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"Pads I'll meet you downstairs," James whispered, throwing the cloak over his head. 

Sirius nodded, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. It was nearing two am and the duo had planned a prank on the Slytherins for the morning. Sirius swung his legs over his bed and blindly walked around to find a pair of pants. His leg hit something hard and he hunched over in pain, biting his lip to prevent from making any more noise. 

Remus groggily sat up, staring into the darkness and a faint outline of the boy. "Sirius?" he mumbled. 

"No," Sirius quickly replied, "It's M-Merlin."

"Mer - what?"

"You're dreaming."

"I'm dreaming."

"Yes. I rode here on my orange dragon and I'm here to tell you that you're the handsomest werewolf in town. Congrats. Your prize is a bar of chocolate and a magical ride on my three headed unicorn. And a date if your lucky."

"Brilliant." Remus fell back onto his bed into a deep sleep once again and Sirius let out a sigh of relief, tiptoeing out of the dorm as quickly as possible.

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