He Giggled

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Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hey guys!

A.Lightwood: What do you want?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: I literally just said hi.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Stop being so mean.

A.Lightwood: I'm not. You're just annoying.

BadassInStilettos: Why are you always online anyway?

A.Lightwood: I'm Head of the Institute. It gets boring.

BadassInStilettos: You're not even at the Institute.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Where is he, anyway? I barely see him anymore.

A.Lightwood: I don't even want to see you.

EternallyFabulous: Alexander, be nice.

EternallyFabulous: He's at the loft, biscuit.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Oh.

A.Lightwood: Why do you always defend carrot?

EternallyFabulous: She's practically my daughter Alec.

A.Lightwood: I'm your BOYFRIEND

StarsWars4Life: How tragic.

A.Lightwood: I'll kill you mundane.

StarsWars4Life: I'M A VAMPIRE

A.Lightwood: I don't care.

BadassInStilettos: When will you two ever get along?

StarsWars4Life: I'd be willing to try.

A.Lightwood: Never.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Oh, come on, Alec.

A.Lightwood: No.

NaturallyBlond: I agree with Alec.

NaturallyBlond: I wouldn't want to get along with the mundane either.


BadassInStilettos: I don't.

NaturallyBlond: Izzy, you're dating him.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: I don't either.

NaturallyBlond: Clary, saying that is an obligation on your part. You guys grew up together.

StarsWars4Life: How touching...

NaturallyBlond: Shut up mundie

StarsWars4Life: Says the guy who dyed his hair blond.

NaturallyBlond: That's not even- I'M A NATURAL BLOND

StarsWars4Life: Sure.

NaturallyBlond: Fight me.

BadassInStilettos: Here they go again.....

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Hey, where's Alec?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: He hasn't been responding.

NaturallyBlond: Alec walked out of the loft a while ago.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: What are you even doing at the loft?

NaturallyBlond: I live here, remember?

NaturallyBlond: For now, anyway.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Right.

BadassInStilettos: Oh hey, look, Alec's here!

BadassInStilettos: Wait why is he in my room

StarsWars4Life: I don't know.

NaturallyBlond: What do you know?

NaturallyBlond: Wait why the hell are you still here?

NaturallyBlond has removed StarsWars4Life from this conversation

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Jace....

NaturallyBlond: Don't 'Jace' me, the idiot deserved it.

BadassInStilettos: Can someone please tell me why Alec is currently lying face down on my floor and not responding to anything I say?

NaturallyBlond: He must be overwhelmed.

BadassInStilettos: And why, exactly, is the Head of the New York Institute so overwhelmed he needs to lie face flat on the floor and not say anything?

NaturallyBlond: Magnus was watching something on TV.

BadassInStilettos: AND?!?!?

NaturallyBlond: He giggled.

Oh my god I had to make this one.
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