Alec, why?

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A.Lightwood: I hate everyone.

BadassInStilettos: Why, exactly?

A.Lightwood: Because everyone sucks.

NaturallyBlond: Except me.

A.Lightwood: Especially you.

NaturallyBlond: Why are you like this?

A.Lightwood: Because I can be.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Going heavy on the sass today, I see.

A.Lightwood: I go heavy on the sass everyday, what are you talking about?

WolfGirl: Woah, slow down there.

StarsWars4Life: Agreed. He's being worse than usual, isn't he?

A.Lightwood: Shut up, mundane.

BadassInStilettos: Did something happen with Magnus, big brother?

A.Lightwood: No, Izzy.

Raphael: I beg to disagree.

Raphael: Magnus has been acting grumpy today, too.

A.Lightwood: No one asked for your opinion, vampire.

EternallyFabulous: Stay out of this, son.

Raphael: No problem. It'd be my pleasure to leave.

StarsWars4Life: You're probably just going to make them angrier.

EternallyFabulous: Neither of us are mad, Sheldon.

StarsWars4Life: It's Simon.

EternallyFabulous: Whatever.

StarsWars4Life: ....and you say you're not mad.

EternallyFabulous: I'm not.

A.Lightwood: He's not.

WolfGirl: I like how you two sent those at the same time.

EternallyFabulous: Although I might be a bit annoyed at Alec.

BadassInStilettos: I knew it.

NaturallyBlond: Who isn't annoyed at Alec?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Shut up, Jace.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: What happened, Magnus?

EternallyFabulous: I appreciate your concerns, biscuit, but it's....a personal issue.

NaturallyBlond: Which is?

BadassInStilettos: Something he's definitely not going to tell us about.

NaturallyBlond: Alec will tell me.

BadassInStilettos: No, he won't.

BadassInStilettos: Because he NEVER talks about their sex life.

BadassInStilettos: Neither of them do.

WolfGirl: Again, creepy. Alec is your brother.

NaturallyBlond: On second thought, I don't really want to know.

A.Lightwood: I wasn't going to tell you anyway.

NaturallyBlond: Loosen up, bro.

EternallyFabulous: Oh no, he's too tight to do that.

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