Prank War

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EternallyFabulous: You guys will not believe what just happened.

BadassInStilettos: What?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: What is it?

StarsWars4Life: What happened?

WolfGirl: What happened?

Raphael: Do I really need to care?

EternallyFabulous: I'm going to ignore that, son.

Raphael: I'm not your son!

EternallyFabulous: I practically raised you. And don't talk back to me.

Raphael: ....

BadassInStilettos: Come on, Magnus. Spill.

EternallyFabulous: Okay so Jace was heading to his bedroom after a shower.

WolfGirl: I KNEW this had to do with Jace.

NaturallyBlond: Magnus, please don't do this.

A.Lightwood: Ignore him, Magnus.

EternallyFabulous: That's what I'm doing.

EternallyFabulous: And right when he walked in, Alec popped up and whispered something in my ear.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Come on, Magnus. Get to the good stuff.

EternallyFabulous: Patience, biscuit.

EternallyFabulous: Can I just take a moment to say that Alec can be devilishly smart when he wants to be?

BadassInStilettos: Magnus!

EternallyFabulous: Okay, okay.

EternallyFabulous: Apparently he wanted to get back at blondie for walking in on us.

EternallyFabulous: So he suggested a spell. Which I performed.

EternallyFabulous: The next thing Jace knew, his cupboard was overflowing with ducks.

NaturallyBlond: Oh dear god.

NaturallyBlond: Magnus why?

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: I JUST CHOKED ON MY DRINK

BadassInStilettos: She's not lying. I'm sitting right next to her.

StarsWars4Life: Wait what's the big deal?

StarsWars4Life: It's just ducks.

NaturallyBlond: NOBODY TELL HIM


StarsWars4Life: I'm a vamp- Never mind.

A.Lightwood: I'm telling him.

NaturallyBlond: Don't you dare.

BadassInStilettos: Jace is deathly afraid of ducks.

NaturallyBlond: Izzy!

StarsWars4Life: afraid of ducks?

NaturallyBlond: No I'm not.

Clary'Don'tMessWithMe'Fairchild: Yes you are, Jace. Shut up.

NaturallyBlond: Clary....

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