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GISELA SET NAMJOON'S notebook next to his laptop on his desk, stepping back to inspect everything, smile on her face. "food blogger or interior designer?" arms wrapped around her middle. placing her hands over namjoon's, her smile became bigger. "you do know this was ninety percent isidora and ten percent me searching youtube for home décor ideas."

he kissed her neck. "maybe, but thank you for helping me redecorate my apartment. i couldn't stand any of the old furniture." he breathed against the sensitive flesh. she shivered, nodding her head in understanding. "i know." she whispered softly as he kissed the base of her neck.

his eyes trailed to a white box sitting in the corner of the room. perfect round holes had been cut into it and maybe namjoon was hallucinating but it seemed to be moving. "what's that?" he lifted his head. "a little housewarming present." she replied, a soft smile playing at her lips. "go see for yourself."

slowly, his arms untangled from around her body and he moved, almost hesitantly, to the box. squatting, he pulled open one flap and then the other. a surprised gasp left parted lips and he glanced back at gisela who couldn't stop grinning.

carefully, he reached into the box and wrapped large hands round the only thing inside the box. he straightened, turning around to face her with a ball of fluffy white fur in his warm hold. his smile reminded gisela of an excited kindergartener's. he began to bounce excitedly and she laughed at the adorable habit she had noticed he had.

"i love him! i love him!" he bounced his way to her, pulling her into a hug that nearly had the both of them falling to the floor. gisela laughed, holding on to him. "namjoon, be careful!" she warned sweetly. "sorry," he shot her a dimpled smile.

"you mentioned how much you love dogs before. glad you like him." she reached up to poke his dimple, letting her fingers brush his cheek lightly. namjoon reach down to kiss her lightly on the lips. "you're the best."

a light blush spread over her cheeks. it made him smile even more. "what are you going to name him?" she glanced at the pup who seemed right at home in namjoon's arms. "monnie," he answered almost immediately. her brows moved higher on her face. "did you already pick a name for your dog before you even got one?"

his head bobbed cutely in a nod, dimples on show as he smiled. gisela grinned, unable to ever not have a reason to smile when she was with namjoon. he was probably the sweetest, most thoughtful man she had ever been with and everyday, she couldn't help but feel lucky to have him with her. sometimes, she wondered if kore had a blindfold over her eyes to ever let him go. "cute."

"gisela?" he called after a moment when she just watched him play with his dog. "hmm?" she hummed, all her attention on him. namjoon leaned down to let monnie down. the puppy instantly began to explore, waddling round the room in curiosity. namjoon watched him for a second before looking back at gisela who was still waiting for him to speak.

"is something wrong?" her voice was instantly full of concern. he leaned his head to the side, regarding her. namjoon was well aware that he might regret what he was about to say, especially considering everything he'd been through. but one thing he was certain of was life was about taking risks. he would never know if he'd fly or fall if he never jumped. which was why he would keep jumping, no matter how many times he fell, until he flew.

"i love you."

for a moment, namjoon almost believed the world had frozen. gisela had gone still and he couldn't hear her breathing for long seconds. then she blinked. once. twice.

"you love me? i was not expecting that, oh wow. you really took me by surprise. i think my system shut down for a second. i didn't think you'd say that, not for a long while, at least. i'm–" namjoon cut her off with his hands on her arms. "it's okay. i didn't mean to make you nervous, i'm sorry." his gaze moved from her eyes to the floor.

she shook her head, hands moving up to cup his cheeks, bringing his eyes back to hers. "don't ever apologise for saying how you feel." her voice was low, soft. "loving someone isn't something you should have to apologise for." her thumbs drew circles on his skin.

"i wasn't nervous in a bad way, i promise. i just didn't think you'd say that for years because of the past." one hand moved to his hair, drawing circles on his scalp. "i guess what i should've said instead of rambling like an idiot is i love you too."

the way his eyes widened made her smile soft. he leaned down, brushing his lips against hers in a warm kiss, pulling her flush against him as lips moved against one another in a physical translation of emotion.

slowly, hesitantly, namjoon pulled away, eyes opening to see gisela's were still half shut. an adorable smile pulled the corners of his mouth up.

sudden wet warmth pulled his attention down. his eyes took in the sight of monnie peeing on his leg. "fuck!" he yelled, surprising both girl and dog. "monnie!" he groaned in exasperation.

gisela laughed loudly, not trying to hide her amusement. "sorry, he's not been potty trained." she held a hand over her mouth. sighing, namjoon made his way to the bathroom. this was his life now. and he didn't mind it one bit.


hi there friend! it's been quite a while. how have you been?
i wrote this chapter in one sitting so there might be a lot errors and whatnot. i'll edit it later. i just wanted a chapter out there since it's been way over a month since the last update. what do you think? too cheesy?

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