Chapter 11

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Women are proven to be twice as horny (aroused, whatever the fuck you wanna call it) during their menstrual cycle. That sucks because I'm not a fan of period sex. Bleh.


"Is my makeup smeared?"

"I don't know, skittles." I was beyond pissed.

Here I was, standing in a room with about 100 prostitutes, all of which seemed completely clueless and incompetent.

I felt as though I was the only one here against my will.

The busty blonde by my side giggled like an imbecile, "do my boobs look big enough?"

I sighed, "they look fabulous, KitKat."

She purses her brightly painted lips, "why do you keep calling me types of candy?"

"You're a stripper, aren't you?"

She nodded, "yes but—


I nodded, thankful that she finally comprehended.

The sounds of girls giggling and talking to each other made me want to drink Windex.

I wish I could escape, unfortunately there were about 12 massive men posted around the rooms, so an attempt at escape was unlikely.

I was here for an escort auction, which probably meant that whoever didn't get chosen as an escort would face a much less pleasing fate. It was a battle of beauty, and for the first time in the past year...I was thankful for my appearance.

If I could get auctioned off, then I would have a better chance at escape. All I had to do was behave for the next hour.

Behaving seems like a fairly achievable goal, but for me it was going to be hard. A voice rang out over the intercom, stating that the auctions were about to begin.

The bright lights lightened, turning into a piercing light, so intense, that I felt the need to cover my eyes. It was a spot light...but this time, it filled the entire room.

My fear rose in my throat, it tasted foul, and made tears spring into my eyes. It wasn't tears for being sold off, it was the fear of never seeing Sinister again. Crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how things made your heart broken.

I'm not religious, not at all. But if there is somehow a greater force looking over us, if there somehow is a God...then what did I do? What have I done, to be handed something so beautiful, and have it ripped out of my life?

Sometimes I believe God had sent the Devil himself into my life, he sent Sinister in my life to give me something to fight for, to show me there really is love in this world, to give me hope and bring me joy. Sinister had seemed to be a gift from the heavens...

Why take something so beautiful away? Why give me this fate?

My thoughts were torn away from me , by the cold dead silence of the room. I glanced around, frowning as the giggles and chatter had hushed into a murderous silence.

My eyes swept over to the busty blonde by my side, she had this fake, plastic smile pasted to her face. In fact, all the girls in the room either had a dumb smile, or a "sultry" look on their faces.

"What's going on?" I whispered to the blonde.

"They're bidding, shut up." She hushed through her smile.

I would have thought there would have been a loud intercom, announcing the bidding like the time I was first taken. That almost would have been better than this anxiety filled silence.

My hands toyed with the clinky bracelets that covered my Russian Mafia marking, I was thankful that the bitch who did my clothes and makeup let me keep them on. She said they weren't expensive enough to sell.


The intense silence lasted for about 5 minutes, each second that passed made me want to pull my hair out.

Finally the peircing lights dimmed, and chatter began to errupt around the room once more.

I felt my face fill with confusion, "What was that?"

The blonde glanced at me, "That was like, an anonymous bidding. Have you never been to one of these?"

Not by choice. I stayed silent.

Suddenly, the doors to the room flew open, and men walked through the room. They began selecting girls in the crowd, all of whom were stunningly beautiful.

A tall man, with tan skin and dark hair began walking to the middle where I was standing. I noticed his eyes immediately, they were a dark watery blue, almost black and animal-like. He was staring at me.

"Come with me." He demanded, I was tall for a girl, but this man was the size of Sinister, he was tall as fuck.

Okay Liam Neeson.

There seemed to be no more men coming to retrieve girls. Only a few girls had been chosen, the busty blondes eyes filled with jealousy as Iron Man led me out of the claustrophobic room.

The stranger pulled led me down the hall and into a garage, the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of my heels.

He stopped abruptly, his tall frame spinning around to face me.


"Brittany Spears." I think I'm funny.

"What is your name?" He repeated, and that's when I heard it. The accent.

It was Russian.

"Are you Russian?" I questioned, completely ignoring his question. My eyes were wide.

He shifted his weight impatiently, "Da. What is your name?" He questioned again.

"Do you know Sinister Velkov??" My voice was eager and full of anticipation.

His dark eyes went slightly wide, his demeanor went from impatient to taken aback. His jaw tightened at my question.

"I do..." He said slowly, his eyes waited for a response.

"Are you apart of his Organization?" I know it was dumb to be asking all of these dangerously specific questions. But if Thor here was a member of Sinister's Mafia, then my lucky may have just turned around.

The man waited a long time before answering. He seemed incredibly apprehensive.

"Do not speak of Sinister."

He grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the hundreds of questions I had.


Short chapter, I know, I'm sorry my loves.

Comment thoughts, opinions?? More to come...will be updating on a regular basis now.

What are your plans for the summer??

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