Chapter 12

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two updates in one day, call me Santa Clause, because I've blessed you children with the gift of yet another juicy chapter

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"Hey Willy Wonka, I know you got a lot on your plate, running the chocolate factory and all that, but would you mind getting me some real person clothes?"

I was confused as fuck. Also cold, I was very cold. Lingerie surprisingly doesn't keep people warm.

I was currently riding in a heavily armored SUV with 4 burly ass Russian men and this familiar stranger. The windows of the SUV were tinted so dark, it made the light of day seem like twilight.

I sat adjacent to the stranger, in a separate private compartment of the car. His body guards were sitting in another closed-off portion of the car near the driver.

I'm not giving him Road Head.

I felt completely bare, my skin chilled at my lack of clothing, the thin, flimsy lace did me no justice.

The stranger sat across me, his dark watery blue eyes seemed to be shooting bullets into my own.

I stared right back at the fucker.

He didn't have those "I'm going to shove my cock balls-deep into your throat" eyes, instead his animal-like eyes remained emotionless and completely concentrated.

"You never told me your name..." I broke the silence awkwardly, my voice carefully muffling my Russian accent with an American one.

"And you never told me yours." He fired back, his voice still calm, his Russian accent was heavy.

"Calla. My name is Calla." I crossed my bare legs, and folded my hands in my lap.

This was weird, men who do things like purchasing prostitutes do not act this way.

"My name is Luka." He said plainly, his eyes still glued to mine.

I glanced down at my bracelets, thankful for the shield they provided to my Mafia Insignia.

"Why did you ask about Sinister Velkov? How does a prostitute such as you, even know his name?" His eyes were suspicious.

"I'm not a prostitute." I said plainly. This phrase seemed to be becoming all to familiar.

His dark eyes finally showed a glint of surprise, he nodded for me to explain, not even bothering to ask.

I folded my arms across my chest, "I was kidnapped." I said simply.

He ran his hand along the stubble on his chin, "That's unlikely. Every one of those girls in that room were there by choice."

I figured that. All those girls looked so fucking excited to be purchased.

"I suppose I'm the black sheep then." My eyes wandered to his arms, looking for any signs of tattoos, anything to tell me who this man was, and if he knew Sinister.

He wore a white dress shirt, the buttons on his arms were opened, and I could see vague markings of Russian Mafia affiliation...but it wasn't Sinister's mafia.

"Why are you looking at my tattoos?"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"I have eye spasms."

That's the dumbest thing I've said today.

"Don't lie." His arms crossed in front of him, and I think I finally noticed how big this man was. He was the size of Sinister. Not bulky, but he seemed to be tall, and purely lean muscle.

He could probably poke me, and I'd explode.

"If you're not in the actual Russian Mafia...then what Russian affiliated Mafia are you in?" I asked.

His eyebrows furrowed together, "Why do you assume I'm apart of the Mafia?"

I motioned to his tattoos.

He followed my gaze, before buttoning up the sleeves of his dress shirt.

"I'm've been sold to a man you don't know, to fulfill a purpose you know not what, and all you seem curious about is the Organization I run, and Sinister Velkov."

He runs an organization?

"Captain...I'm so sorry, I did not know you were the boss." I bowed to him.

"Why are you bowing? Don't do that."

I began to salute him.

"don't do that either." His voice was agitated.

"Well, your highness, what do you want me to do? I have to do something. Tell you what, why don't I just cut off my titties, and you can have them. Would that suffice? I'll even buy you a little glass case to put them on display. How's that?"

His lips pulled slightly up, it seemed like he was fighting off a smile.

"I do not want your amputated nipples."

What. A. Shame.

"would you care to explain?" I asked.

"Why I don't want you to cut off your nipples and purchase me a display case—

"No, not that. Although I think that'd be pretty cool. I mean would you care to explain my purpose to you and why you bought me?"

He shifted in his seat, "I require to UOC ball."

I frowned, "UOC?"

"The United Organized Crime ball." He explained.

That's fabulous, hundreds of the most dangerous men on Earth crowded into an enclosed space, what could go wrong?

"And after that?" I questioned.

"Let's just focus on the ball." He avoided my question. His dark watery eyes evaluating my profile.

"Why me?"

His eyes grew slightly darker and he shrugged, "you're attractive and clueless enough not to make me look bad."

That's a dumb reason.

We were silent for awhile, and I felt my thoughts go back to Sinister. He had changed me completely, I had gone from being a scared little girl, to a strong woman who wasn't afraid to be strong...a woman who wasn't afraid to love.

I had set boundaries, and I had built walls so that no one could reach the scattered pieces of my soul. But then he broke into my life and I let him decipher me. I had slowly let those boundaries vanish in the hope that he would put those shattered pieces together. But the man who I had thought was the Devil himself gave me nothing more than a was love.

Love was the curse that made you drown completely. I had let him into my life, like the ocean, and now I was swept under the intense waves, with no hope of breaking the surface. And that slow death was called love, it was the thing that made you fight, it made you fight to break the surface.

It's beautiful, isn't it? How much it hurts...but you never give up.

"Luka?" I asked quietly, my voice a low whisper. It sounded weird to use his name. I
felt as though I should be calling him Jedi Master, or your excellency.

"Yes?" His eyes met mine, I seemed to break him away from his own thoughts.

I took in a deep breath, and asked the question I had been wanting to ask.

"Who is Sinister Velkov to you?"

There was a long, dead pause. The air of the car seemed to turn stale, and the world seemed to freeze.

"He's my brother."



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