Chapter 52

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I tried to make waffles today, but I forgot that you need a waffle maker to do that, so it turns out they were just pancakes.


Also, I didn't edit this. Whoopsies


You know when you're having a really bad nightmare, and suddenly you wake up, and you're so fucking grateful that it was just a dream?

That's honestly how I felt right now, my arms wrapped around Sinisters bloodied body, trying to keep myself from sobbing as I held him tight to me.

I nuzzled myself into his neck, my arms slung around him as I held onto him for dear life. I was so grateful to have him in my arms, to wrap myself around the only person in the world that loved me feircely. The only person who knew me completely, and understood me.

"You came back for me." He whispered again, his breath hot in my ear as he pulled me tighter towards him.

"I always will." I whispered, holding back the tears of relief that burned my eyes.

I glanced around, the fire in the warehouse was spreading, it's flames growing by the minute. The horrible stench of burnt flesh invaded my nostrils, as the dead bodies around us became consumed by the fire.

I looked back at Sinister, blood was still dripping down from his nose, his jaw swollen from punches that Illeya had thrown at him. His bright, icy eyes flashed with pain as he clutched his side.

"Let's get out of here." I said, nodding towards Afanas's masked frame as we both grabbed Sinisters arms, throwing his slumped weight over our shoulders as we began to drag him out of the warehouse.

The men around us followed, their guns still raised, as the huddled around us, forming a protective circle as we made our way out of the burning buildings.

Sebastian pulled up to the front of the burning building in a truck, Gabriel opened the doors to the SUV as we pulled Sinister inside. The icy December air was harsh as it swept my hair all over my face and stung my cheeks. Sinister let out a pained groan as he situated himself in the seat, his face pale with sweat and blood.

"Take the jets back to the compound" I ordered Gabriel "we'll meet back there."

He glanced at Sinister, "Make sure Sebastian tends to his wounds, we have a doctor back at the compound, but if he doesn't get bandaged up soon I doubt he'll make it."

I nodded sharply, as Gabriel slammed the door shut, tapping the back twice as Afanas sped off. As soon as we were far enough away, Afanas slipped his mask off his face, his dark eyes glancing in the rearview mirror at Sinister.

Sebastian jumped into action, pulling a First Aid kit from the back seat, his white blonde hair was covered in blood, and from the lack of wounds he had, I was assuming it was someone elses blood.

He slid opened the box, and I rolled my eyes, watching as bottles of Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Propoxyphene, and Percocets piled out. His eyes lit up with amusement as he handed Sinister 3 Percocet's  and an Oxycodone.

Sinister didn't even waste a second as he threw the small white pills into his mouth and swallowed. His head tilted back as he winced, the truck running over a rough patch in the road. He gripped at the knife wound in his stomach, blood pouring from it, his dark shirt soaked in blood, his hands tinted with red.

Sebastian motioned for him to move his shirt up as he held a bottle of sterelizing alcohol in his hand, and a large cloth bandage in the other.

Sinister winced in pain as he lifted his shirt up, a deep, bloodied cut embedded in his abdomen. I tried to ignore the fact that I couldn't stop staring at his rock hard abs, and instead focused on the matter at hand. I gripped Sinisters ringed hand in mine, his blood smudging over my fingers as I gave him a reassuring squeeze.

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