Chapter 18

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Fun Fact: I should be studying right now, but instead I'm writing on Wattpad...whoops?

Callas POV:

"Calla, baby. You can let go now." Sinister chuckled, pressing a warm kiss to my forehead.

I shook my head furiously, gripping onto his torso, holding on for dear life.

Calla is Boa Constrictor.

We were laying in his bed, back home at the compound. I felt so at peace, my heart beating rhythmically with his.

He played with my hair, twisting it in between his fingers, a small smile plastered to his face.

"I love you." he murmured, pressing another kiss to my forehead.

I glanced up at him, holding onto his hand, "that's like the hundredth time you've said that."

He chuckled, and I relished in the familiar hum of his laugh.

"I loved you yesterday, I love you today, I love you still...always and forever, flower." he interlocked our fingers, his thumb stroking my hand warmly.

"Sin?" I asked softly, my head pressing into his comforting chest.

"Hmm?" He asked, his eyes staring softly into mine.

"Why do you love me?"

His smile flittered away, and he was silent for a moment.

I thought he'd say something like; because you're a crazy pyromaniac psycho

But instead his smile returned and he stared at me with such powerful feeling, and emotion, that I felt my heart jolt.

"Because you loved me when I couldn't love myself." he said softly, his hand still playing with my wild black hair.

I smiled, as I closed my eyes peacefully.

The peace didn't last for long.

The door to Sinisters room suddenly flew open to reveal the last person on Earth I thought I'd see.


I flew up, standing on the bed as I screamed

"SEABASS!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!" I jumped on him, giving him a giant hug.

He chuckled as he returned my embrace, pulling away he gave me a michevious grin.

"Cal, I thought you hated me. You kidnapped me at gunpoint."

I grinned, waving his words away, "I didn't know what happened to you, I thought you died or something."

He shook his head, "Nah, it's a long story that I don't quite want to get into, little ninja."

I frowned at him, but left it at that. I could tell he didn't want to talk about it. Sebastian suddenly grinned at me.

"Knock knock." a familiar voice said.

"MOM!!!" I squealed running over to Gabriel and throwing my arms around him.

"Oh god, are you still going to call me that?"

I nodded, "How's dad?"

He barked out a laugh, "Sweetie, we got a divorce, don't you remember?"

I pouted, "Where's my sister?"

His hazel eyes dimmed, "Who's your sister?"

"Rachel, DUH."

He chuckled, raking a hand through his hair, "wreaking havoc, obviously. She called me a disabled staircase, what the fuck does that even mean?"

"IT MEANS YOU CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP MOM!" Rachels voice squealed as she ran into the room, and tackled me to the floor.

"BABE I MISSED YOU!!" Her green eyes lit up as she hugged me on the floor.

It felt like a family reunion.

Afanas trailed into the room after her, a lazy smile plastered to his face.

"Sorry we didn't come up sooner, we didn't want to interrupt your makeup sex." he ran a hand through his hair.

I smiled at everyone in the room, "I just wanted to say thank you, to all of you. Without you guys, I never would have found a family."

They all nodded at me, and the room was quite.

Rachel was poking my toes, and Afanas watched in mild amusement.

"Alright everyone." Sinister said, hopping off the bed "I still need some time to talk with Calla, so If you could all just leave for a little."

"Say no more" Rachel said giving me a thumbs up as everyone retreated out of the room.

Before the door shut all you could hear was Afanas's voice screaming


Sinister chuckled as he laid back down on the bed, with me following, pressing my head against his chest as we laid there.

"Why did you want to talk?" I asked softly.

"Well first" He reached into his pocket and pulled out my ring.

"I think you lost this." He said, slipping it onto my finger and kissing my hand.

I felt tears spring into my eyes as I hugged him furiously.

"And also, I think I owe you an explanation as to why I left."

I nodded for him to continue.

"Calla, you are one in a million. A beautiful Calla Lily in the middle of the ocean, too pure for any man. I left you, because I thought that I knew what was best for you. But the truth is, only you can ever know that. It's true that life does go on, no matter if you're stuck in the past, waiting for something that could have been. But Calla, I never want to have regrets with you, I never want to be stuck in the past with you. I want to have a future with you, to show you the kind of love an angel like you deserves.

He continued, "You are going to come across people who will inspire you, love you, and change you, and that is a rare thing. But every once in awhile you will come across someone who will completely rob you of your sleep, and those are the kinds of people too beautiful for words. And that's you Calla, you're my little thief because you stole my heart."

I pressed him close to me, holding him tight as I smiled into his chest.

"I wont ever leave you again, I will never have regrets with you again, flower. You're my wife, my little angel..."

His words trailed off as he pressed a kiss to my head.

I once thought Sinister was the Devil, but he isn't. He's a beautiful, fallen angel.

And he is Mine. Forever.



XX -Aleksei

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