Chapter 49

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Waffles or pancakes?

Also, do you put chocolate chips or blueberry in your pancake/Waffle

Hehe I'm curious

My anger and dread pooled through me like a wave. My eyes were swollen and red, my hands shook with fury and pain and sadness and rage.

Sebastian had held me in his arms for what felt like hours. I'd sob, kick, and bite him, but he didn't let me go. His arms were like steel around my crippling body. My tears soaked the soft material of his jacket, and now all I could smell was that salty sadness that ate away at my heart.

The entire time I had cried, I didn't really think. The only thing that was on my mind, was that the one person in the world who I ever loved, had been taken from me.

It was that type of useless, lazy, sadness that I used to feel so many months ago. I was useless, getting kidnapped and saved, over and over again.

But now? I needed to do something. I couldn't just wallow in my tears and rip myself apart. I had to do something. Sinister had saved my life too many times to count. Even when he didn't know if I was alive or dead, he still came to rescue me.

It was that kind of unconditional faith and hope that I needed to have right now.

I need to save him.

"We need to save him." I stated, my voice cracked with the sounds of stale cries. My body shook as I pulled away from Sebastian.

"Calla..." Sebastian said softly, his eyes were weak looking, his face dim and sorrowful as he gave me that pitying look that I hated so much.

"What?" I seethed, my body trembling as I stood from the wetness of the grass.

"Cal, he's gone. There's no way to find him." Sebastian said lowly, his eyes grazing the ground as he spoke to me.

I folded my arms, "You're kidding me, right? Man up, get your shit together. We're in the Mafia for fucks sake. Sinister is the fucking leader, my husband, and your friend. And what? You're not even going to try? You have to take a leap of faith, Sebastian. If you don't, then we'll never find him. You have to try."

Sebastian sighed, holding his head in between his hands.

"Calla..." He pleaded again.

I felt my rage boil over.

"Well, guess what? You don't have a fucking choice. I'm the second in command of the Russian Mafia. If Sinister can't perform his role, then I take over. So get your fucking ass up, and let's get to work. That's an order."

I didn't wait for him to respond, I didn't even spare him another glance.

I pulled out my phone, dialing Gabriels number who picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, Calla. What's up?"

"Sinisters been taken by Illeya and the remaining Bratva gang. He's in some serious danger. I want all able bodied men on a flight to North Carolina, immediately. Bring everything, have our weapons supplier Christian Jacobs on a flight here too, make sure he has the artillery we need."

Gabriel didn't miss a beat, "Yes, ma'am. We'll take the jets and be there by nine."

I heard him immedietly yelling out orders men.

"Hurry, Gabriel. Sinisters life depends on it." I said lowly as I hung up the phone.

Sebastian watched me intently, his white blonde hair blew in the gusty cool wind, his eyes reflecting the light of the moon.

"Are you with us or not, Sebastian?" I demanded.

He nodded curtly, "With you, boss."


Immedietly following my interaction with Sebastian, I raced towards Rachel's house, not even bothering to knock as I rammed the door open.

Afanas and Rachel sat curled up on the couch watching Terminator, the speakers blared the sounds of gunshots coming from the TV.

Their eyes darted towards mine as I stormed into the rooms, my eyes were feirce with pure rage.

"What the fuck? Why are you still here?" Afanas asked, clicking the pause button on the remote.

"Illeya's back. He took Sinister and he's going to kill him." I stood rigid in the middle of the living room.

Afanas's eyes went wide as he shrugged Rachel off of him, standing up as he walked towards me.

"When and where did this happen?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"About an hour ago. It happened right outside this fucking house." I seethed.

Afanas looked behind me at Sebastian, and then towards the paused movie.

"Cal, I'm sorry. Fuck, I didn't hear anything. You know I would have helped if I had known." He ran his hand through his hair.

"It doesn't matter now. What happened, happened. But you can help now. I called in the Mafia, we're going after him." I heard Rachel move from behind Afanas, her muscular figure standing next to Afanas.

"What happened?" She asked, but neither of us even spared her a glance as we continued talking.

"Wait Cal, how the hell were you able to order our men to come?" Afanas asked.

"Well, I was the second in command..."

Afanas nodded, "and now that Sinister isn't here, you're the boss."

I nodded weakly, my hands still trembling at my side.

I sighed, "Look Afanas, I understand if you don't want to get involved. You'd have to expose yourself to everyone. You'd be putting your life in danger, and risk the sanity of your family. So I get it if you can't do this. It's okay. But we need all the manpower we can get."

His dark eyes flickered from Rachel and then back to me, his face was stone still with contemplation.

"I'll go." He said softly.

Rachel grabbed his arm, "What? No! Afanas what the hell?"

He gazed at her, "Sinister is my best friend. I've known him my entire life. I can't tell you the amount of times that man has saved me. I owe him everything. He's my brother and I will do everything in my power to save him."

Rachels green eyes went teary, "Afanas, you're going to destroy everything we've created. You're going to throw it all away."

Afanas got that pained look in his eyes, "Rach, he's my best friend. I owe him this much."

A small tear slipped down her cheek, "But you'll be back in the mafia. You'll become a monster."

He smiled humorlessly, "Rach, I haven't changed. You fell in love with me when I was in the mob, nothing is going to change."

She gripped his arm tightly, "Everything is going to change."

"Not if I can help it." I said tightly, "you'll wear a mask and keep your face hidden. I won't let anyone know who you are, you have Sebastian and I's discretion."

Afanas nodded slowly, "I'll be home soon, Rach."

Rachel continued to sob, "Don't die, Afanas. Please don't die."

Afanas chuckled darkly, "Don't worry. I've survived worse."


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