Chapter 51

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This chapter was exciting to write. There are gonna be hella grammatical errors because I was just too excited.


Also, I forgot I was walking up the stairs today at school and I fell. And it wasn't a Wattpad story, so there was no cute guy to catch me. I need to work on my walking skills, and my stair skills.



You know, I've never been really good with people. They just piss me off too much. Even as a kid, I was troublesome when it came to people. You wanna play with my dolls? Sike bitch, imma throw it at your face. You want a bite of my cookie? Nope, that shit is going in your eyes.

That's probably why as soon as the trucks pulled up to the warehouse, I fired my guns into all those motherfuckers without hesitation.

It was something out of mission impossible, I swear...


I ordered my men to park half a mile from the warehouse, there was at least a hundred of us. All wearing black, our faces hooded with masks and hoodies. I strapped an AR-15 assault riffle across my chest. Gabriel had taken the time to grab a few gallons of, very flammable, gasoline for me. I slid two knifes into my boots, and stared back at the swarm of men that had gathered behind me.

We parked in the trees, half a mile from the warehouse. We would have protection and cover.

"We go in, we kill everyone, and we grab Sinister. Let's try to make this as quick as possible, I don't want the cops showing up." I said, loudly enough for them all to hear us.

A man called out from the crowd, "What do we do with Illeya?"

I didn't hesitate, "You shoot that fucker down. We're not taking hostages, we're not showing mercy. These men took our leader, our friend, and we're going to kill them. Got it?"

They all nodded in unison.

I heard someone calling my name softly from behind one of the parked trucks. I walked over to see Afanas, wearing all black, his face covered with a thick black mask, a hoodie covering his hair. He wore leather gloves that covered his tattoos, not even his eyes were visible under the soft moonlight. If I didn't know what he was wearing, there was no way I would know it was him.

"You okay?" I whispered, remembering not to gain attention. I intended on keeping my promise to Afanas, no one, not even our men, could know he was still alive.

He nodded sharply, "Good luck in there, Cal. I love you, okay? We're going to get him back."

I smiled softly, "Thank you for being here, stay safe."

He gave me another nod, before walking past me to join the other men. They swarmed together like a heard, the hundreds of weapons glinted back at me. Their faces masked, and menacing.

"Let's go." I ordered, turning on my heel as we made our way through the darkness of the forest. The only sound to be heard was the soft crunching our feet made against the dead leafs of the forest floor. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest, as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Sebastian and Afanas were by my side, their steps falling in unison with mine as we dodged past the trees and roots that stuck up under the forest floor. I would not hesitate to kill llleya, he has destroyed so much in my life. He ruined my childhood, and now he was trying to kill the only thing I had left. I wouldn't let him.

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