Chapter 10; Not much Longer.

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The week went by faster than any other.

Louis had been spending his time doing awkward phone calls or ten minute interviews; none of which had been successful. They either didn't want Louis or they had been totally the wrong thing for him.

Harry has been sitting to the side. Watching Louis as he sat, worn out and frustrated. He had been watching Louis rub his fingers together, trying to find a way around his craving.

Whenever that did happen, Louis would look at Harry and Harry would smile because he knew that Louis was trying his best.

Right now, Louis was sat cross legged on his bed, shoving some type of cheesy crisp into his mouth while talking to Harry.

Slowly over the last week, Louis had become the old Louis. The Louis before the drugs, before the alcohol.

"Don't you ever just eat, not because your hungry, but because you have nothing better to do?" Louis said, speaking through a mouth-full of food.

"No, I never really got board, I was either too busy with my head up my ass or I was out with Niall or up the hospital. That tended to keep me busy... But are you trying to tell me your bored and want to do something?" Louis grinned over at Harry. 

Half an hour later, the two boys were walking down the empty street, going nowhere in particular. Louis was slightly enjoying the comfortable silence they were in until something happened. Someone happened.

"Louis!" Louis jumped and froze on the spot at the very familiar sound of his best friends voice. With a spin of a heel Louis was faced the the sight of Liam. His brown hair was set in a tight quiff on the top of his head, just like Louis had seen it last time. He was dressed in plain and simple black jeans and a white T-shirt that hugged his toned body perfectly. He was also wearing white converse to match his black and white themed outfit.

"Liam?" Louis asked, not quite sure what his friend was doing back in this small town. It was half way through a college term and Louis had no clue what Liam was doing back home on this cold day.

"Hey man, how've you been?" Liam was walking over to the two boys, yet he only saw one. 

"Uhh, yeah, I've been good. I'm so sorry I haven't called I'm such a bad friend, I've just been really busy and-"

"Louis its all good, your dad has told me your looking for a job, right?"

Dad. Louis thought. He knew he had to be involved.

Last time something like this had happened with his father- when they had last fallen out- Louis' father had called Liam, and Liam had visited the next day. Telling Louis that his relationship with his father was important and the he was lucky that he had a dad that was always there for him.

Louis wanted to shout at him. Tell him that his father was never there. Tell him that he and his amazing step mother where always away, enjoying time as far away from him as they could possibly go that time around. But instead he nodded and agreed to go and apologies to his wonderful father. 

Liam might know about his drug problem but Louis liked to act as if he didn't. He liked to act as if Liam never found out that one night that he had found him in the bathroom, his nose pouring with blood and an empty packet chucked into the sink. 

Liam knew that when he left, Louis was not completely over his issue but he truly felt that Louis was getting there. His thoughts were wrong, but he didn't need to know that.

"Right. yeah, I'm actually taking a break from that at the moment, I thought id just go for a walk with-" Louis looked to his left at Harry. Harry shook his head telling Louis not to tell Liam. That was when Louis remembered that Liam couldn't see Harry so he tried to cover up his mistake "-with myself, you know, just enjoy the cold weather well I can."

Liam chuckled at his friend.

"That's my Lou." He whispered, loud enough for the other two to hear though. "You, uhh, look a lot better. You haven't.. y'know.."

"Not for a while, no. You don't have to worry though Liam I promise I'm fine. I can look after myself. You don't have to drive all the way down here every time my stupid asshole of a father calls you. Okay?" Louis sighed.

"I know, I'm just worried. You still haven't old him Lou. And im scared that one day he'll phone me and it would be to invite me to your funeral. Louis I know it sounds stupid but that stuff could kill you very easily." Liams face showed pure concern and hurt.

"I know, and I told you I haven't done it in a while. I'm getting help Liam. I know you might not believe it but I'm coming back. I can feel myself coming back. It will just take a little bit of time, but as soon as the cravings stop, so do the drugs. I haven't drank in weeks Liam. I really am trying." Louis smiled slightly at his friend. 

Liam soon returned his small gesture before walking closer to the other brown haired boy and saying,

"Now come here and give me a hug, I've missed you."

Louis just chuckled lightly and replied with, "You always were a huger," before he pulled his arms around the boy and placed his head in between Liams head and shoulder.

Harry stood to the side. Not saying one word to Louis. Afraid that he would ruin the moment between the two friends, Harry just pretended he wasn't there. He must admit. It hurt him little at how fast Liam could get Louis to open up to him out in the open at such a touchy subject, but he soon calmed himself down when he reminded him self that Louis and Liam had been friend for as long as Louis could remember.

Louis opened his eyes and looked over Liams shoulder. Harry caught his eye as soon as he looked back over to the boys. Louis' eyes crinkled at the sides and Harry knew, even though he couldn't see, that Louis was smiling. And it wasn't just a fake smile that some people use to greet people they don't particularly like, it was a real smile.

A real smile that he knew was not going to be the last.


The rest of the day, Harry sat to the side and let the boys have some catching up time seeing as Liam would be heading back tomorrow and the two haven't seen each other in a while. Louis would be sure to talk to Harry every time Liam headed off to the bathroom or went to grab a drink. 

It was 11:29 pm Liam finally left and Louis eyes were struggling to stay open. As soon as his body hit his soft mattress he let out a loud sigh. Harry just smile at the very dramatic boy. 

"What are you smiling at?" Louis asked, opening one eye and looking at Harry.

"I like this Louis." He said simply. Hoping that Louis knew what he was on about.

"I like this Louis too." Was the last thing Louis said before he let out an extremely loud yawn and fell into a very long and peaceful sleep. 

Harry just observed the boy who was sleeping whilst he sat on the chair that belonged under Louis' desk. He played back all the hours he had spent with Louis. From the awkward "To drunk to even remember our run in last night?" to the moment he just spent watching the boy. He knew that Louis was slowly forgetting about the problems. He knew his cravings would stop soon.

And even though he didn't want to admit it. Harry knew he wouldn't be needed here much longer.


Okay I think this is the longest ever update I have done for this book.  

So I'm not going to top it off with a long A/N cause to be honest I just want to sleep.

Hope you like it I don't really know what to think of it at the moment.

But yeah, I'll see you next tiimme.

There is a video on the side by the wayyy, go and watch it :)

Words: 1435

The See Through Boy. | Larry Stylinson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now