Chapter 13; The Long Way Down.

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The day dragged to a close and Louis really didn't know if he could cope any longer. He knew that the time was near. The boy that he had got so close to was already ripped away and he just had that feeling it was sooner rather than later.

The feeling he felt for the see-through boy had developed more than he could ever imagine. More than he could of helped.

The more he thought about tonights plans, the more he wanted the time come.

His legs dangled from the edge of the bed as he listened to the tick tock of the clock which was hanging on the wall.

He took a look around the room. He looked over to the space next to him which was usually occupied by Harry to find it empty.

His eyes scanned over the bedside table, stopping when they reached the picture of himself and his father. He was sure he didn't put that there.

Then his mind driffted to his father. To their chat they had had earlier that day. The look on his fathers face as Louis cried into his own hands. His father's hands rubbing soothingly down his back as he told his father about his past which was unknown to him.

Last of all, his mind pictured Harry. The smile he had grown to love more than anything. The kiss that was shared. The nights he got lost inside Harrys eyes.

He had it all planned out. He knew how he was going to sneek out. Get into his dads car without him knowing, and driving up to the destination.

As soon as the clock striked twelve, Louis knew it would now be safe. His father would be fast asleep Lisa by his side.

Harry would be waiting, waiting up there for him.

He knew that he was watching. He knew that if he could, Harry would find a way to get back down here and stop him. But he was going to make sure that he would do anything to stop that from happening.

Louis stood from the bed and the floor bords beneath him never sounded louder. His feet padded against the flooring as he arrived at his bedroom door for the last time.

His hand gripped the door handle before twisting to right and opening the wooden door. The sqeeking sound echoed around the whole house, scaring Louis.

His breath faultered as he steped out of the room and shut the door behind him.

Ten minutes later, and Louis had managed to grab the car keys from the cabnet by the door, opend and shut the front door with out waking anyone, ran through the rain and had entered the warm feeling car.

With the keys in the ignition, his foot on the pedal, wind screen wiper on, Louis was on his way.

His mind raced, questions and statements running through his head for a good hour.

So to take his mind away from the event to come, Louis turned on the radio. Listening quietly to the man speaking through the speakers.

"...The rain is going to keep on coming, thunder will be expected, along with strong bolts of lightning, so stay in doors if possible. Up next is a true classic by the one and only Billy Joel. This is Tomorrow Is Today, here on Heart."

Louis closed his eyes for a breif second as he reached a red traffic light.

One last turn, up the steep hill and he was there.

"I've been livin' for the moment

But I just can't have my way ,"

The car tyres screached as the sped round the bend. Making that place that little bit closer.

"And I'm afraid to go to sleep

'Cause tomorrow is today,"

He was now miles away from home. A universe away from the one he loves. And Louis knows what he is doing. And he knows he wont regret it. Once he is up there, in the arms of that boy, he'll be safe.

"People tell me life is sweeter

But I don't hear what they say,"

The car carried on along the dusty floor. It wans't even a road anymore. It was a path to Louis' happiness. Louis knew this was for the best. He'd be with Harry. This is what he wanted.

He wanted to feel the softness of his kisses, the heat radiating off him as he pulled him closer. He wants to be with Harry. And death wouldn't stop that, it would help it begin.

"Nothing comes to change my life

So tomorrow is today,"

He finally reached the top. Stepping out of the car with glazzed eyes, Louis had one last minute to think. The car engine, and the song still playing in the background kept the negative thoughts away.

"I don't care to know the hour

'Cause it's passing anyway,"

Moving away from the car and closer to the edge, Louis took a deep breath. His eyes scanned the road beneath the mountain. The freeway as lifeless as his blue eyes.

His toes peaked over the edge and he watched lose rocks tumbled down the side. Hitting the ledges as they escaped.

Not much was left to do. All he had to do was take that last step that would chand everything.

His toes began to feel numb as they curled round, trying to forget the empty feeling behind the shoe.

He made a big risk. Leaving his father. Leaving his pasion for music. Leaving the earth, just for one boy.

But it was a risk he was willing to take.

So that one last step was taken.

Louis' mind driffted from memory to memory. Day to day. Lover, to family member.

From the first day he looked around the bedroom he spent most of his life in, the day he met the boy sat in his special room, to that last step.

That one last breath was taken.

He knew this was it. And he knew deep down that Harry wasn't going to like the decision. But now he was happy.

All he could see was black as he closed his eyes. The wind pushing against his body, making his hair fly into his face as gravity did its job.

That one last heartbeat was felt.

And never in his short life, did Louis feel a moment last so long.

But when it did end, a smile was on his face. He was led piecefully at the bottom of a long way down.

"I don't have to see tomorrow

'Cause I saw it yesterday."





btw the song was actually Billy Joel's suicide note which he recorded before he attempted but faild. I just thought, it's such a beautiful song, and it doesn't get the credit it desurves, so its on the side, go check it out :).

And I know it's not the longest last chapter, but I didn't want to add any more to the end cos I feel like that's all it needs.

The See Through Boy. | Larry Stylinson ✔️Where stories live. Discover now