Ch 9: Concussions and memory losses prt: 3

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You opened your eyes to see blood pooling around your father. You checked his pulse. He was dead. You started screaming and crying as Jack pulled you into another hug. Which Will, Mr.Gibbs, and Marty also joined in on. Then, Murtogg and Mullory ran through the door with their swords raised. "We heard some bangs, is everything alright?" asked Murtogg. Jack told his crew to comfort you while he explained to the two soldiers what had happened. "What?" they both said in shock. "See for yourselves" said Jack sadly. Both of them slowly walked over to your dad's body. Murtogg started crying and Mullory had to comfort him. "Why did this have to happen?" asked Mullory. "Daddy was trying to kill us. I jumped on him and moved his hand away from Jack and his crew, I didn't mean to point the gun at him" you said as you started to cry again. "Better go tell the rest of the navy soldiers about this, come on" said Murtogg, who had calmed down. He and Mullory left the room to share the news. "And the worst part is, the blood is gonna stain the carpet" said Will. Everyone stared at him, as if he had zero sympathy for what was happening. "What?" he asked. Once you had calmed down, you had asked the gang to pick up napkins and clean up all the blood surrounding your father. When that was done, and the rest of the Royal Navy showed up, you and the RN (Royal Navy) picked up the corpse and gave him a proper funeral. He was buried the next day. After the burial, reporters quickly bombarded you with questions like: "Y/N, are you sad about your father's death?", "Who killed your father?", and "Who's going run Port Royal now?". If being with Jack has taught you anything, it's to stand up for yourself. "QUIET!!!!!!" you screamed. That made all the reporters shut up. "Seriously, guys. At first, you seem like you want to get the whole story, but then you end up acting like a dysfunctional family. Now, I'll tell you what happened, beginning to end. It all started when my father was getting me into the clothes I needed to wear for my friend Andrew's sister's wedding. The dress and corset I was wearing was very tight and made it difficult for me to breathe, and because of that during the reception, I fainted onto my plate and had a Near Death Experience in heaven. Up there, I met my mother, who I now know didn't die from a strange and unknown illness, rather my own father had her hung when he accused her of being a witch after teaching me about time and space as a baby. What I didn't know at first was while I was asleep, my good friends, Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Mr.Gibbs, and Marty, were sneaking in to get me back, and they ended up saving my life. Jack saw that I wasn't breathing and he instinctively took off my dress and corset, and I gotta tell ya, the feeling of being able to breathe regularly after not being able to breathe regularly is the BEST feeling in the world. To all the women out there who are wearing tight corsets and are still breathing: How do you do it?" you explained. "The corset caused you to faint? Didn't think that'd happen" said Jacob, one of the reporters.

"Clearly none of you have ever been to Singapore" commented Jack. "You got that right, I lived in Singapore for 18 years, 6 of them wearing corsets. You have no idea how much damage wearing 1 corset for 24 hours can do to your body" said Brittany, another reporter. "Wait, tell us the rest of the story, what happened to your father?" asked Jacob. "After Jack saved me, my dad walked into the room and got angry at Jack and his crew for being here and he pulled a gun on us. I jumped on him and inadvertently pointed the gun at him. Which caused him to die" you explained. When they got the information that they needed, the reporters left, you went up to your room to rest, and Jack and his crew went to the Pearl to get some sleep.

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