Ch 11: Mothers

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After a while, Jack went down to check on you. You rolled over, facing him, and opened your eyes. "Jack, are we there yet?" you asked, sleepily.

"One, we're halfway there. Two, 'there' is Tortuga. And three, I know it's probably not the best time to bring it up, but, I'm sorry to hear about your mother" he said. "Thanks, I wish I had known her" you moaned, sitting up on the hammock.

"I'm sure your mother was an incredible person, she sounds really sweet" complimented Jack. "Thanks, Jack" you said.

"I know what you're going through, I never knew my mother either" said Jack climbing into the hammock with you. "You didn't?" you asked.

"Nope. She left after I was born, leaving my dad to take care of me. But even though I had my family in my life, sometimes I wished they weren't in my life" he answered. "I'm sorry" you hugged him.

"Yeah. My family's insane, and not in a good way. Some of them criminals, some of them scoundrels, all of them crazy. (Sigh) But it's my cousin Valerie and my grandmama who were the worst. Valerie was always outdoing me grandmama was always beating me up" he explained. Your heart broke. 'And I get angry when someone buys me the wrong necklace' you thought.

"I'm sorry, I didn't come down here so you could hear me rant. And besides, you probably think I'm lying anyway" apologized Jack as he climbed out of the hammock. "No! Jack, come back! I don't think you're lying to me" you yelled.

"Beckett did" he said. "What?" you asked.

"I said 'Beckett did'. When I was younger and working for Cutler Beckett in the East India Trading Company, I had gathered up all the courage to tell him about my childhood, but he didn't want to hear it, and he called me a liar. So now, I've managed to push down all that pain and sorrow, never wanting to think about it again" he rambled. Tears began to roll down your cheeks as you pulled Jack in a bear hug. He stiffened, and you felt it. You pulled away and gave him a confused look. Then, you realized why he reacted that way.

"Yeah. Hugs, kisses, and basically any show of affection wasn't really popular in my house. Sometimes, I'd even hug my pillow but even then, it felt useless. Just like me" Jack told you as if he'd read your mind. "Jack, listen to me and listen to me good. You are NOT useless, and whoever said that needs to get their own life, you're here now with me. And I promise, if it's the last thing I ever do, I'm gonna make you feel like you're worth something" you said proudly.

"What did I do to deserve you?" he asked. "You saved my life, twice. I think that's more than enough to deserve someone" you answered as the two of you, hand in hand, went upstairs to continue their trip to Tortuga.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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