Ch 10: The getaway from Port Royal

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You woke up the with Andrew standing next to you with a bowl of cereal in hand. "Thanks, but I don't really feel like eating" you said pushing him away and turning on your right. "You're still going to marry me, that hasn't changed" he sighed. "I don't wanna marry you, I don't love you. I see you as a friend, nothing more and nothing less" you said. Andrew sighed again, set down the cereal on your nightstand, and sat down on your bed. "If you don't want to marry me, that's ok. We can be friends, nothing more and nothing less" he agreed. "Oh, Andrew! Thank you!" you yelled, sitting up and hugging him, he hugged back. "So the wedding's off?" asked James, who had been standing in the doorway the whole time. "Yep. Sorry, cousin" said Andrew. "I'm sure Jack and his crew are waiting for me at the docks so I'm gonna go and get on their ship" you moaned as you dragged yourself out of bed and into the bathroom to clean up. After taking a shower and pulling on the pirate clothes Jack had giving you earlier, you walked outside and onto the Pearl.

"Hey, love" he said. "Hey, Jack. Can someone get me some rum? I could need it" you asked as Mr.Gibbs handed you a bottle of rum. You sat down on a crate and chugged it down. Jack came over to you and put his arm around your shoulder.

"How are you holding up, love?" he asked gently. "Fine, I guess. Good news is that Andrew has agreed that we're not getting married and are going to remain friends, so points" you reported as you gave Jack another hug. "Thank you" you said.

"For what?" he asked. "For always being there for me, for not telling on me when I ran away, for trying to get me back, and for saving my life. You're my rock, Jack" you said.

"No idea what that means, but I'll take it" he said. "I'm gonna go take a nap downstairs, come get me when we reach where you wanna go" you said.

"Of course, love" he agreed. "(Sigh) Think she'll be alright?" asked Mr.Gibbs.

"She'll pull through, she's a tough nut to break" commented Jack. "Yeah. And you know what? Both of you already have somethin' in common" said Gibbs.

"What would that be?" asked Jack. "Both of you never knew your mothers" he answered.

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