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Magnus sighed as he left the room. He was happy that Alec was awake, which meant he was out of danger and would be better soon.

“Magnus, how is he?”, Izzy breathed as soon as she saw him.

Curious eyes stared at him. Not only Izzy’s but also Jace’s and Maryse’s.

Magnus forced a smile to his lips.

“He’s fine. He just woke up.”, he grinned. “You can go see him.“

Maryse let out a sigh of relieve and rushed through the door. Izzy followed her but Jace remained with Magnus.

Magnus eyed him up. He did not look good. Not good at all. His eyes were red and puffy, his brow knitted and his gaze was tired.

“Have you told him?”, Jace asked.

Magnus shook his head.

“No. Now is not the time.”, he answered.

Jace nodded.

“You know, you have to tell him.”, he reminded Magnus.

Magnus nodded.

“Yes, but not now.”, he sighed.

Jace nodded and moved towards the room Magnus just left.

Magnus stopped him by putting his hand on Jace’s chest.

“He will forgive you, so you should too.”, he advised.

Jace watched the door concerned.

“I can’t. He’s my Parabatai. My brother. I can’t forgive myself for what I’ve done to him.”, he whispered.
“And to you.”, he shot Magnus a sad gaze.

Magnus saw the tears building in his eyes.

“I’ll be fine. And so will Alec.”, he let Jace know and pulled his hand back. “Tell Alec I went home to get some rest.”

Jace sighed and shot Magnus a last tired gaze before he entered the nursery.

Now Magnus was all by himself.

He leaned himself against a wall as his knees started to shake. He tried to breath calmly and watched his trembling hands, that became blurred as tears started to fill his eyes.

He tried to gulp it down, but he couldn’t. He felt so powerless.

Since his magic was gone he felt like he did not know who he was.

He missed the warm, lightly ticklish feeling that his magic caused in his veins. A feeling so weak that he almost never realized that it was there. He’d never really paid attention to it, but now he felt it’s absence and it made him feel lost.

As if a piece of him was missing, like he lost an arm or something.

No, much worse.

Almost like he’d lost his whole identity and it scared him.

Who am I? - A Malec StoryWhere stories live. Discover now