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“You know, you have to tell him sooner or later.”, Catarina sighed.

Magnus nodded demotivated. He knew she was right.

“I know.”, he admitted. He was just scared.

Scared that Alec would think less of him or that he stopped loving him because he lost his powers and was now more of a burden than helpful.

“Okay, how else can I help you?”, Catarina asked, smiling kindly.

Magnus sighed.

“I need potions, for Alec. To ease his pain.”, he told her.

Catarina smiled.

“Alright. Something else?”

Magnus shook his head.

“No, thanks.”, he said with raspy voice. He hurried to clear his throat.

Catarina watched him concerned.

“Don’t lose hope, Magnus. We’ll find a way to fix this.”, she tried to convince him.

Magnus nodded, but he wasn’t sure this was something someone could fix easily.

“Oh, and Magnus, can I borrow one of your books? One for Madzie, for her to study?”, Catarina asked.

Magnus mood lightened up a little thinking about the little warlock. He smiled at Catarina.

“Of course. Which one shall it be?”, he asked and walked over to one of his bookshelves.

“Oh, doesn’t matter.”, Catarina grinned.

Magnus took a few books out of the shelf.

“I have these ones and those!”, he waved his hand trough the room to get the books from the other end of the room.

But nothing happened.

The books he was carrying escaped his grip as he remembered. He fell down to his knees and watched his hands.

“Magnus, are you ok?”, Catarina kneeled down in front of him and cupped his face with her hands.

Magnus wasn’t sure if he was able to control his tears or if he was already crying.

“I keep forgetting, Catarina. I am so used to have it, but it’s gone. I feel so powerless.”, he couldn’t stop his voice from shaking.
“Who am I?”, he whispered desperately.

Catarina watched him pitiful.

“You are Magnus Bane. And even tough your magic is gone, you are still you. The most amazing, most self-confident, most positive and also the most annoying and exhausting person I’ve ever known. You’ll make it through this!”

Who am I? - A Malec StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora