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Magnus sat in an armchair and stared through the room without focusing on anything.

He did not know what to do.

Normally he’d be somewhere meeting a client or brewing potions or helping the shadowhunters with their silly little problems. But now he just sat there, powerless … useless.

A knock on the door distracted him from his thoughts.

He snapped his fingers and waved his hand almost automatically, but then he remembered.

He felt a stifling feeling building in his throat. Disgusted, he looked at his hands and curled up his nose in anger. Tears started to fill his eyes.

He was just some useless piece of shit without his magic. He might have been one of the most powerful warlocks once but now he was just useless and he hated that feeling.

Since he was back from Edom everything reminded him about how powerless he was without his magic.

Kneeling beside Alec, watching him die, unable to do something, trying to convince him to hold on. It was terrifying.

Being unable to do something was terrifying. He’d been Magnus Bane, former high warlock of Brooklyn, and now he was … without powers, mortal, not a warlock anymore.

Not even the name Magnus Bane, the name he made up for himself all this centuries ago, the name he’d worn for so long that he didn’t even remember his real name anymore, seemed to fit him by now.

He’d never felt anything like this in his long life.


Not even once.

He felt so lost, so helpless.

A second knock on the door banished his thoughts from his mind for a short time. He rubbed his hands trough his face to erase the sorrowful look and got up to open the door.

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