old friends and old memories

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"I'm sorry what did you say your last name was?" I asked as Ollie opened the door as a man came out with an other man who looked sort of familiar but I don't turn around to see him. Before the boy went to speak the other man spoke. "Michael, John come on we need to go Now" I stopped dead in my tracks "Tommy?" I asked as I turned around to see the blue eyes that I fell in love with four years ago "Brooke It's been a long time since I last saw you" He said as he hugs me for the first time in a long time.  After a few minutes we let go of each other.  "Tommy you know her?" Michael asked "she's an old friend of mine that I was very close with" He replied to Michael before he says "Brooke can I talk to you alone please" "I can't I have to go work in the bakery with my uncle. Maybe next time bye Tommy."  I said as I turn to enter the bakery. I feel bad for doing that to him but I did have to work today I got a call from my uncle saying that he needed me to come back to Small Heath and help him around the bakery. I had to because he's done for me then my own parents have he's even told me a bit more about what happened to Alex it's the least I could do for him. "Uncle Alfie how are you" I asked for the first time in four years. "I've been better Brookie how have you been?" My uncle Alfie asked "Oh not too bad dad's finally gotten over mums death so that's good I can't believe she's gone" I said as he comes and gives me a hug and wipes my tears away from my eyes.  "I know I miss her to Its hard to know that your baby sister is gone. Because of this cancer she had.  Even though she had surgery the cancer still took her from us. She was my best friend even if she was a girl." He says as I can see the pain in his eyes. He let me go after a minute or so and we went into his office.  "I see you've met the Peaky Blinders out front" he said Like a father just finding out that his daughter has a boyfriend and he was the last to know oh lord how's this going one to end.

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