the next day at the pond

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I was in Birmingham for my new home so that I didn't have to live with uncle Alfie I go to the Garrison for a talk with Tommy to get me a paying job uncle Alfie said I wouldn't be always working at the bakery so to find another job to keep me busy so I decided to go to the Garrison and talk about giving me a job either as a bartender or as a bus girl. As I walk into the front door I see Polly and Ada at the bar because I was very close to Ada growing up she was like the sister I never had even though I have two back in America but this is my home here in small Heath  I go over to were the women are sitting and sneak up behind them And I wrapped an arm each around them polly being polly doesn't realize it's me so she grabs the gun out of her purse and points it at me "woah polly calm down don't you remember little Brooke" I said as I put my hands up surrendering said soon aw I said that she lowered her gun, her and Ada we're in shock "Brooke Marie Anders is that you?" Polly asked as I laughed at the question and said "The one and only in the flesh" I said as She laughed and hugged me. I hope she isn't still mad about me rejecting tommy's proposal then I moved towards Ada she slapped me across the face I know she was still mad about what happened the way it ended between me and her brother it stung but I wasn't effected like a girl should act when they've been slapped across the face. "Hello Ada Nice to see you to" I said as I ignore what just happened.  "How could you Brooke,  how could you do that to him what did you lead him on the to leave him here broken hearted like you did how can you even come back after what you did!!!" Ada screamed at me "It wasn't my choice to leave I had to I didn't want to leave him like I did I loved him and I still do love him but we can never be together now because he's married and has a child" I screamed back thankfully the Garrison hadn't opened yet so no one could see this fight but polly. "You could have done something" She screamed back. "What could I have done huh?  My brother just died, my parents, I couldn't afford to stay here, and the man that I loved was going to be accused of killing my brother If I didn't leave with my parents" I screamed back at her again letting a single tear fall from my face because I didn't want Tommy to be accused of something he didn't do. "Brooke I'm sorry I-" She said then I cut her off.  "No Ada I'm tired of stepping around this with you I did what I thought was best for Tommy,  for all of you and I can't stand it anymore" I I said as I left the Garrison.  "Brooke come back here-" Ada said but polly stopped her Ada let her go she needs to blow off some steam she'll come back when she calms down" Polly said as she grabs Ada's wrist to stop her from catching up to me. I go to the only place I can go to calm my nerves that's the pond by the woods no one  really comes here plus it's one of those places you could go to scream and not have people think your in danger.  But I'm more of the type to throw stones at the water I heard someone coming I know I would get the upper hand and get ready to attack I waited for the right moment and jumped out of the tree and landed on them as I pulled out my knife that was my brothers and held It against their throat but once I realized it was Tommy's brother John and got off of him "Bloody hell John you scared the hell out of me I could have killed you" I said putting my knife in my holster "yeah well I doubt that" "Oh yeah well don't understand a woman in survival mode" I said as I get up from off the ground "how did you find me anyways nobody knows where this place is?" I asked as I go back to throwing stones "One name two words-" "Thomas Shelby of course he told you" I finished as I threw another stone into the water. "Yeah pretty much he confirmed  "So what does he want me for?" I asked as I sat down. "He heard that you needed some work to do so he sent me to get you." Of course he did what else is new with him?" I asked starting at the water as the sun starts to go down I didn't realize how late I'd been out here. "Come on its getting late My uncle is either going to kill me or he's going to think someone took me" "Also Polly told us you stopped by the Garrison today she didn't say for what though do you want to talk about it?" He asked with a small smile "No not really it's  a bit of a grey area for me" I said not really wanting to open up about my feelings  to John it's not that I don't trust him  it's just that I'd rather bottle up my emotions rather than telling them to someone.  "Yeah sure no worries I understand I'll wait until your ready he smiled "That will never happen." I said as we got back to the Garrison. Tommy was waiting for me to arrive. "Brooke I'm so glad you're ok we've been looking all over for you we almost were tempted to call your uncle" Oh god I forgot about my uncle he'll understand hopefully.

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