06| Mental and Physical Scars

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| Percy Jackson |

I wake up in a stark white room and immediately have to close my eyes again to shield my eyes from the light being shone in them "Are you awake?" a voice asks as the little light was switched off and he stepped back allowing me to sit up

My eyes scan the room, looking for any immediate signs of danger and when I realise I am no longer in Tartarus I calm down a little bit but only a little bit as I still don't calm down completely as I don't know where I am, they all looked at me like I was completely crazy because I was looking around scanning the room for any danger or an escape route I couldn't help it was wired into my brain, and into the brain of all demigods it was almost like an instinct and anyway ever since Tartarus I have been jumpier and constantly on edge and ever since the outcome of the war my instincts have been made sharper since I am constantly looking over -- waiting -- for monsters to kill me.

A hand is waved in front of my face "Are you okay?"

I blink and nod my head, I see seven people staring at me like I have two heads they all don't talk for a minute or two before Tinman who now has his mask flipped down showing an expensive-looking man in a goatee exclaims "What the hell was that kid?

Instead of answering him, I ask my own question "Where are we?"

"In the S.H.I.E.LD Hellicarrier... Up in the sky" The one with curly hair answered me meekly and hearing the words 'up in the sky' I froze and paled quite rapidly and the rest of them noticed too but I paid them no mind as my lips move rapidly to say a prayer to Zeus. After the Giant War we were on betting standings that was until I announced my retirement, let's just say he was one of the gods who didn't take it very well. The Council had a very split decision about me retiring.

"Are you okay kid?" Tinman once again asks me and I nod my head

"Well if your sure you're okay, then I really must insist on that I do a physical exam on you," The curly-haired man in the lab coat says meekly as I glare at him, if I was being honest I didn't like the idea of someone sticking needles in my skin and he seemed to notice it "It's okay, it won't take long I just want to ask you a few questions to do with your health. My name's Bruce Banner and these are the people I work with, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff and Vision or Vis and we also have another member but he had to, um, step out for a little bit"

In turn, he pointed to his teammates and they all gave me their versions of a greeting paired with one or two strange looks as I look them up and down analysing their dementor but I just ignored them I wasn't going to explain myself to these mortals

"Percy Jackson but you probably knew that already seen as you wanted to kidnap me" I nod at them a carefree grin on my face

"Now the introductions are out the way, can I ask you a few questions?" He asks meekly and I reluctantly nod my head and Bruce walks over to a draw and pulls out a pen and notepad and sits down next to me "I have to record what you say is that going to be alright?" Again I nod

"Have you ever been diagnosed with a condition?" He asks

"Dyslexia and ADHD" I answer

He jots that down before moving on "Have you ever been poisoned that you know of?"

"5 or 6 times that I know of" I reply and all jaws drop

"There are no records in the notes, did you not go to a hospital?" He asks in a small voice and I laugh and shake my head leaving everyone confused as I continued to laugh for a couple more minutes a dry laugh

"I was being stupid, my mom gave my medicine it was dealt with" I reply shortly which wasn't a lie, I did have some ambrosia and nectar at some point and each time when I eventually got back to camp I was checked over by Will

He hesitantly moved on "Okay let's play a word game; I'll say a word you say the first that pops into your head," He says and I nod my head the game seemed easy enough








"T-Tartarus" I shiver and everyone seemed to notice but didn't comment


"Uncle Z"




"H-Her" I choke

They looked at me confused as Bruce jots down my answers and then Tony decides to pipe up her "Is 'her' your girlfriend?" He asks and I send him a glare to which he cowers away from. Huh the great Tony Stark is scared of a teenager

I ignored him and turned to Bruce "Will that be all" I ask

"No, actually I will need to check you're heart and lungs to make sure they are working properly since the amount of poison you have ingested could be lethal to your bloodstream since you didn't go to the hospital" He gave me a pointed look but it washed over me, I stopped listening after he said he will need to check my heart since that meant lifting up my shirt for all my scars to be on show and even if I covered them with the mist, they would still be visible to the group of mortals because apparently they're 'clear-sighted' which meant they could see through the mist. Oh Styx, why do the fates hate me?

"No way," I say and then bolted out of the room

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