08| Testing the Broken Boy

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| Percy Jackson |

I paced around in my cell, I was tired and fed up there was nothing to do in this cell and my ADHD was acting up with my battle senses since I was always on alert trying to suppress the itching need to start a fight or to escape. But even if I did escape (which I could do quite easily) I would have no clue as to where to go next seen as I had passed out from tiredness of not sleeping well because of the flashbacks of the Giant War and when I woke up, I was in this cell so it would give them an opportunity to catch up with me and then toss me back in the cell 

I didn't realise how long I had been pacing for but I knew they were recording me and by leaving me alone, they were trying to figure out what I would do next, what my next move would be and that is why I was trying to hide the itch to start a fight or to escape which as I stated earlier wouldn't work in my interest as I didn't know where the hades I was going and that meant that they could easily  catch up to me

So I wasn't surprised when the metal door swung open and revealed a woman with shoulder-length red hair and I noticed that she was one of the two 'superheroes' that I knocked out at the beach. The one I called, the Red Russian 

She stalked into the room black spandex covered her body like a catsuit and some kind of electrical weapons hung from her waist that was tucked into a belt that was the matching colour of her belt -- it was almost invisible and her green eyes sparked with coldness and they looked slightly broken like she has seen horrors in her past and I wondered if her horrors compared to mine?

"My names Natalie" She introduce cutting straight to the chase. Lies  "I'll be escorting you to the gym we will need to test your strength and your weaknesses" She explained in more detail before roughly grabbing my arm and pulled me to the door

"First off: I don't think your name is Natalie but I do think that it begins with an N so it could be something like Natasha or Natalia but it is not Natalie that is just some sort of cover-up that you tell people" I pause taking   a breath and I took the moment to look closely at her face, she looked surprised that I had figured out her real name so quickly but she quickly masks that shock with a scowl "and second of all why do I need a test?"

"Because we need to know how strong you are so we can lock you up in a cell that you won't escape out of and we and we have an order for your arrest straight after the testing so get prepared to spend the rest of your life in a cell," She says and what she said about some world council reminded me of when the gods voted to kill me...Well at least this time people won't be voting on whether or not to kill me

"Fantastic" I mumbled "Why do I always get myself in trouble"

I could tell she heard me because she rose an eyebrow but didn't comment like I expected her to instead we just walked in silence to the gym area and of course on the route I remembered all the hallways so if I needed to I could make a quick escape

The gym was a large area there were crash mats covering every inch of it so it was hard to actually see the carpet that lay underneath, there was a bench that stood in the corner along with a punching bag and a table full of weapons like guns, daggers and even staff but no sword and then I noticed the glass doors at the far end of the gym and realise that there was a swimming pool in there too and a half-smile made its way onto my face. I would have to try it out sometime 

That's if I ever made it out of here

"Go to the middle" Fury growled and that's when I noticed the rest of the team was here to including Tinman and The Flag of America "We will start with practice dummies see if he can handle them"

I nod and try not to laugh at how easy this all sounded if all they thought I could do was beat up some dummies then they had another thing coming, Hades I have lead two wars and managed both times to come on top 

The dummies come at me one by one and I quickly demolish them and Fury annoyed by how skilled I was increased the number of dummies that were coming at me easily I could do this when I was 12 and had little to no training then, hello I even beat the God of War then and I had no training so this would've been easy for 12 year old me

C'mon give me a little challenge

When they realised I was destroying every single dummy the training program stopped abruptly and I turned towards them and at the sight of their shocked faces I do a little mocking bow which made the Director even angrier so much so that he shook with anger and it was amusing but I tried not to laugh because right now he held my life in his hands, he was like the forth younger and more angry fate and if I've learned one thing while being a demigod it's that it is unwise to anger a fate and so I walked over to the bench hiding a secretive smile and took a swig of a water bottle and suddenly I felt even more energised. 

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