16 | So Team Demigods Anyone?

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| Tony Stark |

I can't believe what I'm hearing!

This is ridiculous and when I say ridiculous I mean ridiculous, I mean how can a kid who's not even eighteen yet save the world not once but twice, no I don't believe it I think this is an elaborate prank from Clint to get my back for stealing his Ben and Jerry Cookie Dough Ice Cream that's what I thought it was but it seemed like everyone believed the tales that these kids were telling us along with these apparent 'Gods' so I kept my mouth shut

"So what exactly do you need us for?" Natasha asked carefully, her tone patient but there was an undertone of panic in her voice which made me falter as this was the first time I had seen the women pale to a white that resembled a ghost because normally this girl is abrasive and rude and doesn't care about who's she talking to if she gets fed up angry or nervous but around these people she was actually being polite

I mentally scoffed, this was getting us nowhere

"A war is coming," Wanda says her voice quiet but strong "and Percy needs his help to save his girlfriend and that's why Fury was able to capture him -- because the fates allowed it this was his path all of this happened because the fates willed it to -- and if they hadn't and Percy was to go a different path then you would have never known about this"

Again I found myself on the border of disbelief. How did a seventeen-year-old girl know more about this than any of us? Oh yeah cause Wanda was apparently a legacy of the goddess of magic and the hearth whatever the hell that meant

"But why us?" Steve interjected "Why pick us? It seems like they have everything they need to to start a war or end one so why pick us?"

As if this was the answer to everyone question, the guy who looked like an older version of the kid who was currently sulking in the corner with his head in his hands who looked just about ready to kill us when we were teleported in spoke "Because the fates have chosen you to go on this journey with my son and carry some of the weight of the world that he feels he has carried. He has been through a lot and maybe you could ease some of his grieve"

And if I believed any of this I probably would've felt sorry for the kid

But I didn't so I don't

As sudden as a hurricane comes, the kid exploded "NO! I do not need to get over my grieve I lost the people I care about I watched my friends die in battle and I held my soulmate the person I love most in this world as she died and honestly I thought the fates couldn't be any curler so I retire and go home to find my mother and stepfather dead killed in revenge by Tartarus and then one week later I get ambushed kidnapped and interrogated by people who think I'm a terrorist" The ground began to shake and the kid's eye's swirled like a dark storm "I said I was DONE but I guess you can't handle your own shit so you dragged me back in I asked of you one thing and now I don't want it anymore I don't want to ... Live anymore ... I cant"

The ground was shaking more heavily now and everyone who was close to him had now backed up a few meters -- eyes wide -- but nobody dared to stop him and I scoffed. How could they be scared of a kid?

I moved forward but someone stopped me "Don't" they hissed to me and forced me back to my original place and they stayed with me gripping my hand but I didn't know who it was I guess I was too interested in watching the scene in front of me unfold

Then objects started flying around the room as the kid's green eyes grew even darker to the point where they were nearly onyx black and I had to duck out the way of some incoming furniture

I was getting really choked up now it was awesome how powerful this kid was

I am officially Team Demigods

But I could see how dangerous he was as well, everyone just kind of backed into a wall even the gods looked afraid to be near him and did nothing and I thought nothing would be able to calm down the kid until the black-haired boy stepped out in front of me and slowly walked towards the hurricane not shielding a bit from the incoming storm "C'mon Perce you don't want to do this"


The boy took a little step back but after a minute kept on walking towards Percy, he shakes his head, a sadness glazing over his eyes as if he had seen all the horrors in the world and just wanted it to stop. For everything to stop, and I admit I knew how the kid was feeling "No Percy you don't what am I going to have when your gone, Thalia's left us -- for good this time"

This time? I repeat in my head in disbelief what did the kid mean "and if you leave me then what am I going to do -- I'll be alone"

Percy had tears brimming in his eyes but he held them in "You won't be alone you've got Will and everyone else! Me I got nothin' man nothin' so why do I continue to live and endure pain when I could just end the pain"

Watching this scene was pulling on my heartstrings a bit and I don't normally get like that but you've got to admit this scene was absolutely heartbreaking no kid should go through this much pain and this much grieve and yet these kids did every single day was a fight just to stay alive and they had all gone through so much. Percy the most

"But you've got me. Percy, I've always looked up to you like you were my big brother and if you go then I'll have nobody to talk to" Nico admits his cheeks slightly rosy as he reaches Percy making him falter for a minute before he collapses into Nico's arms sobbing

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