The lion king 4- Chapter 2

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Kovu awoke with a start, seeing nothing but grey. Where was he?! He lifted his head, and saw golden fur spread across his own. Golden fur with a heartbeat he valued more than any others. He glanced to the mouth of the cave... It was long gone patrolling time- the sun was as high as a smallish tree. But he reminded himself that the customs of the pride landers were different to that he was used to. He lay his head back down, but soon gave up on sleeping, and instead groomed Kiaras fur while she slept, and the lioness didn't stir. That's when he spotted Vitani, her eyes red, sloping off towards the water hole. He slipped slowly from beneath Kiara and pursued her silently. When they reached the water source, he came alongside her. "Sis, you ok?" He asked her. She nodded. "I was harsh on Kiara last night and upset her. I'll apologise." She told him. He smiled. "You love her a lot, don't you?" She asked him, looking down. "You're pushing me away." She added, dully. "I love Kiara as much as you loved Kopa, Vitani. But I will never push you away. I'm here for you." He replied, hugging her. She smiled weakly. "You're all I have left, Kovu. Everyone else I love is dead." And she hung her head. Kovu smiled. "Vitani, when night falls, those that have gone become visible. You might not be able to see them now, but the great kings of the past are up there. They never go, sister. They're there to guide you through every hour of your life." Kovu told her. He then became aware of Simba, who had been behind him. Simba looked shocked. "Kovu... You are as wise as a true king. I know now that I made the right decision to let you stay. I am sorry I ever doubted you." Apologised Simba, for the thousandth time. Kovu nuzzled him friendly-ly, then Kiara appeared from over the rocks. "It's nice to see you two getting along for once!" She laughed, nuzzling her father and then taking her place at Kovu's side, planting a kiss on his cheek. Simba then cleared his throat. "Now, you two, as deputy leaders of this pride, you must take on some responsibilities." He started. "Kovu, I wish for you to do a basic patrol at sunrise and sunset. Only short ones, but we must secure our borders. Kiara, I wish for you to learn to hunt in the hunting party, and become an effective huntress. Some former-outlanders will also be joining." He then turned to both of them. "I accept that the following request will seem unfair, but I forbid you to have cubs." He said, bluntly. Kovu hung his head, for he had wanted a cub badly. Kiara lunged towards Simba. "Father! I have a mate now, and I am responsible! Why can't I have a cub?!" She yelled. "Because you are my daughter, and I forbid it!" Roared Simba, he had very little patience left and that that remained had just failed him. He took a deep breath, and sighed. "I suppose... I owe you an explanation. You see... Zira was born to there strongest pride in the savannah- Pride Nguvu. Her body washed up there, and the leaders identified it as their daughter..." Simba's voice trailed off as he composed himself a little, and he managed to choke out "They've declared war on us." ...

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