The Lion King 4- Chapter 3

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Kiara turned on her heels and ran towards the former outlands before anyone could react. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she'd brought a war upon her pride. Kovu sprung up to follow her, but Simba put his paw out to stop him. "Leave her, Kovu. She needs time." Simba told him firmly. Kovu growled at no-one in particular, and began to pace, glancing towards where Kiara had ran. After a short while of pacing angrily, and Simba laying motionless on a rock, He stopped, took a deep breath and looked towards Simba. "How should we go about winning this war?" He stated boldly. Simba shook his head. "We can't Kovu. Nguvu pride has allies, we have never made them. We hoped by keeping ourselves to ourselves we'd never get into trouble. And we haven't. We've had civil wars, but never death on a large scale." Simba told him. "And this is the sort of war that wipes out whole prides. Kovu, we're dead." Simba despaired. Kovu shook his mane. "No, we must find Allies, Simba. Go scouting, and prepare for war. They'll need training time, we'll have recruiting time. We can't give up, Simba. We mustn't." Growled Kovu. "War is what I was born and trained to cause, and it looks like I have just about succeeded. If it wasn't for me, if I'd just run away..." Started Kovu, before shaking his head. "But we have to fight this, Simba. For your pride." He told Simba, sternly, before bowing and making his way back to pride rock. Zazu flew down to Simba's shoulder. "I see Mufasas spirit in him." Simba said, watching him leave.

Kiara stepped silently across the log over the crocodile filled river, to the outlands. She begun to see plants sprouting everywhere, only little shoots, but they were there. "Death only comes from life. Sorrow can only happen if there was once joy." The whispered, walking onwards. She wanted to banish herself, for causing the war. She'd be the death of her people. Then the wind rustled a tree in bloom... A light breeze ran through the areas, and bits of flower brushed her. Kiara was scared, and then the breeze dropped... And a lion appeared from behind a rock... A lion she didn't recognise. His fur was like her mothers, his eyes as blue as hers too. His mane was light brown. "Kopa?" She asked, and he shook his head. Kiara hung her head. "Mheetu. Ahadi sent me." He smiled. "You're a ghost? Uncle Mheetu?" Asked Kiara, tipping her head. "Yes Kiara. Now, you will only see me once, right now. No-one else can see me, ok? And no-one must ever know." He told her. Kiara was scared, but nodded. "I was sent because Simba is planning to flee. You must not. You need to make an army, and promise to fight." He told her. She shook her head. "We'll lose, uncle Mheetu. We'll die!"

"No-one will win and no-one will lose either." He replied, and she looked puzzled.

"It's going to work out, Kiara." He promised.

"How?! How will this work, Uncle Mheetu?! We are going to be killed!" She roared.

"Kiara, you must trust me. Go to Rafiki, and tell him. He'll help." Mheetu advised. "Now I must go, Kiara. Stay strong." He said, before running into the horizon. Kiara left straight to Rafiki's tree. "Rafiki! Please! Help!" She called. He jumped down. "Mheetu came, yes? Good old Mufasa said he would." He chattered. "How am I to convince father?" She asked him. He chuckled, and shrugged. "I do not know, Kiara. The great kings are not much help when it comes to this!" He jibbered. And then came a roar- Simba's, then another's- Kovu's. It was a roar she'd never heard before. A recruiting roar, a cry for help. "Looks like my job here is done." Rafiki smiled, leaping into his tree. "Good job, Granddad." Smiled Kiara, racing towards Pride Rock.

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