The Lion King 4- Part 7

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Kiara awoke early the next day, and nuzzled Kovu awake. It would be ages before any others awoke, and it was time for Kovu to patrol and Kiara to make sure the animals of the pridelands were well. "Kiara, are you sure you'll be ok?" He asked. They both feared the life of the unborn cub that Kiara had been carrying for just hours. "We'll be fine, Kovu." She assured him, nuzzling him. They went to the watering hole for a drink, then split up. Kiara had made her mind up that she'd try and drag home a kill for the prides breakfast. She came across a lone antelope, young but big enough for a decent meal. She crept up on the panicking animal, and leaped at it's throat, killing it in just under a minute. She began to drag it back to Pride Rock.

Kovu scouted along the borders. Something was wrong, he could feel it in the wind. He snarled, and sniffed the ground. It smelled slightly like Kiara, only a bit more musty... And masculine. A male intruder. He knew that an intruding male might try to take Kiara's cubs, and without a second thought he rushed back to pride rock.

When he arrived, 13 lions were rejoicing on the ledge of pride rock. Kiara arrived just after him. "Kovu? What's going on?" She asked, dropping her kill. "I don't know Kiara, but there's a male lion up there." Thundered Kovu, racing up pride rock. He was faced by a lion with a straggly, wild brown mane and golden fur. The lionesses parted as Kovu strode towards him. "What are you doing in my Pridelands?" Kovu snarled, threateningly. "Your pridelands? Who are you? Scar?" The lion retaliated, beginning to circle. "Scar is dead. Now get out of my Lands now. You are a danger to my mate." Kovu replied to him, beginning to circle him also. "Oh, and who might that be?" He growled spitefully. Kiara jumped between Kovu and the imposter. "Me, the queen of Pride Rock. And if you want to hurt Kovu, you'll have to kill me and my cub too." She roared. "I'd like to let you know that this is rightfully my pride!" Roared the lion in return. "No! The only lion who would ever have the throne before me is Kopa, and he is dead. Now leave." Snarled Kiara, squaring up to the male. "Kiara, stay away from him!" Yelled Kovu. But the lion was the one who took a step back. "...Kiara?" He asked. Kiara nodded. He shook his head. "I'm alive, little sister." He smiled. "Kopa?" Whispered Kiara, and he smiled and nodded. But there was no kindness in his smile. There was only evil and hate. "And you know what that means? I. Am. The. KING." He roared, and he slashed Kovu's cheek. Kovu lunged towards him, and they began to claw eachother before the lionesses broke up the fight. "Kopa, you will leave the lands immediately!" Roared Sarabi, standing over Kiara. Kiara had four claw marks embedded on her side. Kovu roared, and rushed to his beloved. Kopa looked on at what he had done to his sister. Part of him despaired, but then... Part of him reassured himself that she deserved it. She was posing as queen, when he was the rightful leader. Look at all the lionesses around her, loving her. Yes, she needed it. "See to it that he leaves." Growled Kovu, glaring at him out of his scarred eye, nuzzling Kiara. The huntress team ushered him away. "Just wait until my father hears of this." He snarled menacingly. The healers tended to Kiara, who was losing blood. "The cub might not make it, Kovu." Sarafina told him. He looked out into the pridelands, a tear in his eye. "I know." He choked. "But it has to..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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