The lion King 4- Chapter 4

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Kiara returned to Pride Rock after a few minutes. She found Kovu, and embraced him. He nuzzled her lovingly. "It's not your fault, Kiara." He whispered. Simba looked on at them, then caught Kiara's attention. "We're going to war, Kiara. We need to start gathering food. Our lionesses need strength." He smiled. She joined the hunting party, and they had a highly successful hunt, while Kovu patrolled. The pride ate well and had food left over. It was a good evening that stretched later into the dark hours than usual. Kiara awoke late at night to the mewling of a cub and the growling of a fight. Late night duties meant everyone was deeply asleep, and didn't hear. She rushed outside as the lioness, a former outlander, was smashed against a rock. She was dead before she dropped to the ground. Kiara lunged at the intruder, not a lioness from their lands. Then Kovu rushed out, and the lionesses death soon came, a slash to the throat by Kiaras claw. She gathered up the creamy bundle of fur and cleaned her, before taking her to her father. "I am proud of you, Kiara, for saving the cub." Smiled Simba. "You'll make a fine mum. And you'll be a fine father, Kovu." He praised. The lionesses were buried at dawn, and the cub was adopted by Queen Nala herself, who'd longed for another cub. "My little sister." Smiled Kiara, stroking the cub. Simba nodded, proudly. Lions had begun to arrive, whole prides. They eagerly drove food towards the lands with them. There had been a total of three prides arrive, and they stayed in various caves around the pridelands. Simba made plans to leave, recruiting more lions, with the army he'd gathered so far, as soon as Kukolewa, the young cub, was able to stay under the guidance of Sarabi and Sarafina, the oldest lionesses in the pride, Simba and Nala's mothers. Until then, the lions would go about their duty.

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