Chapter 2

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"What's wrong Lexi? Why didn't you want to stay any longer?" She thinks back to the scene that just happened in his room. ".. He.. He raped me.." She looks away. Ashamed, scared, and about to cry. The vehicle stops. Her mother sits at the wheel before deciding what to do. She asks her. "Do you want to go back and confront him?" Replying with a 'No' she begins to cry. Her mother looks straight ahead and drives. Along the way she says to her "You're not aloud to see him anymore. Don't talk to him. And let's just hope he didn't get you pregnant. If he did.. Well. We'll figure out what to do from there." They arrive at the house. "Uh. Mom? Before we go in.. Could I ask you a question?" she nods her head 'yes'. Lexi looks at her mother with tears in her eyes. "Mom.. Why did this happen to me? Why? Why did he do that to me? How could he?" "Oh sweety.. Really. I don't know. I guess it just happens.. But come on. Let's go inside and have something eat." she wipes her tearstained face. "I'm not really hungry mom.. I think I'll just go to bed.." "Okay sweetie".

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