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Today I preform my solo. Mum helps me curls my hair in loose waves. My costume is an over sized grey t-shirt. I also have a couple group numbers, but we can talk about those later.

"Kit?" Sammy asks from outside my doorframe as mum leaves. "Can we come in?" I nod, "of course." I wrap the chord around my curling iron as the boys sit down across from me on my bedroom floor.

"What's up?" I ask, opening up my make up box. Harry glances at Sam with a worried look. "You both look rather distraught. What's wrong?"

"We're going away for a little bit." Sam blurts out.

"What's the hell man! I was going to tell her!" Harry says hitting Sam in the stomach. The twins fight while I sit there confused.

"Both of you stop!" I state with force, the stop talking and look at me. "Harry what is going on?"

"Tom invited us to go travelling with him for a little while, for press."

"We will be back tho!" Sammy adds "once summer is finished." I look down at my lap, the over to my makeup box. I pull out my foundation and applicator. "Kit say something." Sammy pleads.

"Can you please get out of my bedroom, I need to finish getting ready."

"Katie-" Harry starts, "get out of my bedroom, please" I snap, with tears perching of the edge of my eyelashes. They both stand up and leave closing the door behind them. A few stray tears fall from my eyes, I wipe them away quickly and start on my makeup.


"And next is number 377 Katie!" My music starts and I dance on stage, the song is a very good representation of how I feel today. Tom hardly texts let alone visits. Now the twins are leaving. Everything is falling apart. I revive a first place for my solo, to be honest I don't even remember what I did.

    My second dance was ballet. My hair went into a classical bun. And my pointe shoes went on, we received second place. Next was lyrical, a long mesh sleeved dress, with and open front. I don't remember what this one got. Then was tap, the purple costume with a bunch of sequins. Tap is my probably one of my favourite styles. This dance revived diamond. The finally was our production dance, we danced to the opening number from La la land. This revived first place as well.

At the end of the night, I'm exhausted but I still go out for the team dinner at the best Italian restaurant, of all times. I ride with Matilda, Casey, Anna and a few other from Matildas class in Ms. Shae's car. After dinner I get a ride home with Matilda and her dad - Tom.

"You danced brilliantly today Katie." Mr. Hiddleston says looking in his rear view mirror to complement me.

"Thanks Mr. H." I say with a small smile. "Mal how long are you going to be in the hospital for." I ask, Matilda has ASD. A small gap in between the two upper chambers of her heart. She's having surgery to fix it in a week. Her dad speaks for her, I forgot that this is a hard topic for Mal.

"She will be in the hospital for about a week, you should come by and visit." Mr. H pulls up by my house, "here you are love."

"Thanks, see you soon." I close the car door, and walk up to the house. My feet crunching on the pavement. It's warm, and the air is damp from the rain. I unlock the door with the electronic key pad, and let myself into the house. It's dark, everyone must have gone to bed.

"Your home late." Harry says from the couch. I jump, and try to catch my breath.

"Bloody hell, Harry! Why are you still up?" I say annoyed, I just want to go to sleep.

"I was waiting for you Kit. I wanted to tell you that you did really well today. And even though that Sammy and I are going away, we are always going to be here for you." I my crying really quietly now.

"Harry, everything's falling apart. My best friends having surgery, and three of the best people in my life are going away. I feel like I don't have control anymore." I swallow the huge lump in my throat as more tears fall. Harry comes over to wear I'm standing, he wraps is arms around me and I cry into his chest. "Harry please stay, I don't want you to go."

"I'm here now Kit." He rubs his hand up and down my back, gently. I'm 14 years old, but I'm also kind of a baby. Harry picks me up in a king carry, and carries me to my bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and kisses my cheek again. "I love you Katie Maria Holland, and I will always be here for you, when every you need me." He says.

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