Author's Note

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let's get right into a list shall we

1) THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!!! these books would seriously not exist without the outpouring of support and love that i've received! you all deserve the world and are so perfect to me

2) obviously, depression was a pretty big part of this book. mental health plays a big role in my own life, and i've watched countless times how it affects others. and especially in a society where it's taboo to bring it up, i thought it was important to write about it as realistically as possible. which goes into

3) these characters are flawed, and that was intentional! i would never forgive myself if i tried to write perfect characters and pass them off as being realistic! you probably don't agree with everyone sam did or said or thought, and that was purposeful. and especially after seeing him through cameron's eyes in the first book, it might have been a little jarring to see him without a filter! and vice versa, suddenly cameron is the more "perfect" character through sam's eyes. that was interesting and kinda new to play around with, so thank you for bearing with me! 

4) when people message me and tell me these books changed their lives, it's SO very humbling and crazy to think about. i'm just a young person who felt like publishing a book to wattpad on a whim, and i never thought that it'd turn into something so powerful to people. i want to pursue writing seriously and you guys are so inspiring!!! so thank you!!! again!!!

5) writing plans for the future? unsure! i'll be traveling a lot for the rest of summer, so i won't be on here a lot. this series is officially finished (i knowww) but i do have lots more novel ideas (all outside this universe) that may happen in the future! also expect some shorter novellas, cause i do love writing those. i'm obviously a realistic fic kinda gal, so as always, expect LGBT characters and realistic plot lines! 

6) i won't be editing this book anytime soon, but just keep in mind it's very rough and needs a LOT of work lmao

7) a big thanks to my beta readers, you know who you are!! the real mvps

8) i'm missing some points

9) please feel free, either here or via pm, to ask any questions about me or the book or the characters or my writing process or anything!! i might include a q&a chapter if i get enough questions so ask away

10) i love these characters

11) if you enjoyed and wanna recommend this book to peeps, that'd be cool! also to the artists out there, feel free to make fanart i'd literally cry so that's cool too! 

12) my readers are honestly the nicest people in the world okay you guys are amazing and your cute comments make my life. also sometimes i get messages about how people would love to write but they're a bit nervous to try - PSA if you're in this boat - DO IT!!! if you have a story to tell then tell it! you got this and i believe in you!

13) i think that's it  


- M (and Sam and Cam, they love you too) 

The Multitudes Within Me (Sequel to The Sound of Ice)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora