Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"So, what is it your parents do?"

We were just about an hour away from my home town and Trevor was driving.

Gavin and Trevor switched seats about halfway there to keep either of them from driving while they sleep. Eddie and I offered to drive at one point but they shushed us both and acted like we never said anything at all. It was a twelve hour drive home and we barely stopped anywhere apart from a midnight snack we grabbed at a drive through in another town.

It was already three-o'clock and I could tell we would drive around half an hour longer than I did when I moved to Aunt Alga's.

"My father, as you know, is a police officer... well, actually he is more of a detective now. He has to go through to the cities from time to time when the police need his assistance." I shrugged one shoulder and gazed out the window. "My mother is an interior designer." I snorted and looked at Trevor and Gavin, the only other two in the car who were actually awake. "Just don't expect a house with intricate designs. For some reason, even though my mother is a well known interior designer, our house always ends up looking like the closets threw up all over the place."

Gavin chuckled and shook his head.

"You have a really nice vocabulary. Where did you learn to be so creative with your words?"

"Dude, she probably swallowed a dictionary when she was two."

I slapped Trevor over the back of his head with my reading book and settled it back on my lap.

"What the hell was that?" He demanded, sounding pained.

"It was my dictionary; I thought I might hit some sense into you." I explained.

Trevor sent me a glare through the rear-view mirror but opted not to question me again.

"What is your brother like?" Gavin asked this time.

A small smile crept onto my lips at the thought of Talon.

"He is actually a really cool guy. He's currently working as a construction worker but he is studying to be a lawyer. I really can't imagine him as a lawyer though. He is constantly trying to prank me or wind me up so it is kind of hard to imagine him walking around in a suit and tie with a serious face."

"It sounded like you two are close when you were speaking to him on the phone." Trevor commented.

"I guess we are. We weren't really in the beginning but things change when you grow up."

By the look Gavin sent my way, I knew he understood what really changed.

"I remember a time where my brother would walk around telling his friends to stay away from me because I was a demon's offspring." I chuckled again and went back to staring out the window. "I got him back by setting his clock to midnight for a week. It was kind of funny walking into the kitchen at seven to see him on the table, fully dressed, and sleeping it off."

"It sounds like it must have been a blast to share a house with you." Trevor commented dryly.

"Oh, it sure was. My father was constantly yelling at us to stop acting like children. I would always retort that I am a child so it would be obvious for me to act childish."

Gavin smiled at me over his shoulder and the car went back to being silent. The only thing heard was the music coming from the radio, but even that was barely heard.

The next hour passed faster than I thought it would and before I could even blink.

Driving into the town, I could actually feel my muscles tense just looking at the familiar buildings passing us by. It has been a month and yet it feels like I never left. The night club was still open on the corner of the busy street, people lining the pavement to get in. The lights on the road were still on even though the sun was starting to peek past the clouds.

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