Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"The worst part of the entire situation is that I'm responsible for them becoming a couple."

I laughed at the put-out look on Gavin's face.

He was resting against the pillows of his bed that was rolled into the room around two hours ago. Ever since then, we have been talking about whatever came to our minds.

We were now discussing Max's newly acquired love-life.

"Come on, Gavin. You are just overeating about this. Max never even had a boyfriend before so just let this one go and see how it works out."

"You are the one who made me doubt allowing my baby sister to have a relationship in the first place." Gavin sent me a displeasing look and turned to stare up at the ceiling again.

As much as I wanted to take offence towards his words, I could not stop a small smile from forming on my lips. It was very true that my story might scare people away from love. Even so, I was surprised at how willing I was to experience love again but this time I wanted it to come from both sides. I mean, if my relationship was fun enough for me to fall in love with the guy, how would it feel to have a true relationship with the right person?

"Gavin, I think your sister is safe from harm, especially since I still hold a slight dislike towards the guy. If I liked him and encouraged her to give him a chance, there was a lot more to worry about." I smiled at Gavin's stunned face. "I think it is clear that I don't have the best taste in guys."

His wide, shocked eyes turned to stare at me.

"How will your future husband feel when he hears about that?"

I snorted at his retort and rested my left arm behind my head. I could hardly allow myself to have a boyfriend... but a husband? No, that is not even up for negotiation. I admit to considering Gavin as boyfriend material a few times now but I would never make that known. I could never, in my lifetime, allow him to give up the chance for a normal relationship on me.

"I don't think I have to start worrying about that yet. Who in their right mind would want to give me a chance if they knew my story?" I asked rhetorically.

I wasn't expecting an answer until I heard Gavin sit up. I turned my head to look at his upright position, his legs now hanging off the side of the bed with his eyes narrowed on me.

He looked like he was thinking something over.

"What if I wanted to give you a chance?"

My heart felt like it stopped beating for a split second before kicking up a notch.

Did he really just say that?

Gavin's gaze was focused intently on my face, probably seeing the shock that I knew was on full display right now. Suddenly, I was extremely glad that the heart monitor was not hooked up to me anymore. That would have been embarrassing to try and explain.

"Gavin, would you stop joking and just change the subject?"

A nervous laugh pushed up my throat and I forced a smile at the handsome man. I was hoping he would take the hint and drop the subject.

"It wasn't a joke." He responded bluntly.

My gaze jumped from his eyes to the ceiling and back again a few times, panic swirling in my mind.

Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be another person who tried to worm their way into my heart? It should have been someone that would have been easy to turn down.

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