Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Disoriented wasn't even close to what I felt when I woke up after the narcotics wore off.

I only remember a few things about waking up in the room outside of the operating room. I remember Nurse Patricia's face and her trying to tell me something but I don't remember what.

Her lips were moving and she was smiling so I assumed that meant the surgery went well.

I swore my eyes were closed for just a few seconds after that but when I opened them again, I was in my hospital room with a tray set up at the foot of my bed.

There was a small bowel with jelly in it and a glass of water was on the cabinet beside me.

I ate about half the jelly in the small bowl before I passed out again. It felt like the world was spinning around me the moment I closed my eyes. The beeping of the monitor was what lulled me to sleep.

I woke up a few more times to drink something or ask for assistance to go to the restroom but most of the time I was asleep. Doctor Evans was kind enough to inform me that I was on intense pain medication when I woke up for the sixth time. That made it easy for me to understand why my face was as white as a fresh sheet of paper and I felt like I was standing with one foot in the grave.

"How did the surgery go?"

"It was a success, Peter. I told you that it would only be a small surgery, nothing to threat about."

"It's my daughter in there, Evans."

"I know that as well. Everyone in this building is fond of her so we would never let anything happen to her unless it is out of our power to control."

I frowned at the strange conversation going on a few feet from me and tried opening my eyes.

It would probably be around the tenth time I woke up since this morning.

"So, she will be fine by tomorrow morning? She has to go back to her Aunt's again. As much as I want her to stay, I think yesterday's encounter proved that this is not her home anymore."

"She will probably still be a little tired and weak but she will be able to go home. She will have to wear the cast and a sling for the next three or four weeks and I will give her a prescription for some pain medication. Just warn Alga about her condition and tell her to remind Jewel about her antibiotics." Doctor Evans then muttered a quick 'farewell'.

"Does that mean she's going to be alright now?"

It was scary how quickly I recognized Max's voice.

"Yes, she will be absolutely fine." My father assured her.

I groaned softly as a slight pain shot up my right arm.

"Is something wrong?" Eddie's voice was filled with worry.

"I know what's wrong." Gavin muttered and I could practically feel him nearing me.

His calloused hand settled on my forehead and I could feel his breath brushing against my skin.

"Jewel, I need you to wake up now." He whispered near my ear, running his hand down my cheek. "Your right arm is pressed to the side bar but I can't move it unless you let me."

My fuzzy brain was struggling to understand what he was trying to tell me. I tried forcing my eyes open again but they still wouldn't budge. So I tried shifting, only to end up groaning in pain again.

"Jewel, I want to help you but if I try doing anything now... Jewel, I don't want to hurt you."

I turned my head towards his voice and finally managed to open my eyes a little.

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