Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Ten minutes into the dinner and I was already ready to get up and leave.

Mr. Maxwell was a charming man, always smiling and sharing stories about his work. Unfortunately, Mrs. Maxwell spent the entire twenty minutes we've been here, glaring at me with a heated gaze.

Max and Eddie looked just as uncomfortable as I felt while Gavin and his father were the only two people at the table who ignored Mrs. Maxwell's clear distaste in my presence.

Chewing slowly on a piece of sweet carrot, I trained my eyes on my plate full of food while trying to pay attention to what Mr. Maxwell was saying.

" I get the court to drop all charges against the man. Mr. Fiddler was so happy about the outcome of his trial that he came to my office yesterday and..."

Okay, so that would probably end up with me in a blissful sleep. How men managed to stay focused on the most boring subjects this life could have, I have no idea.

"So, Max, how is the music project coming along?" Mrs. Maxwell spoke up.

Everyone at the table fell silent at her question, mostly because they were in shock that the woman could actually talk. Gavin reached out his hand under the table and placed it on my thigh.

He could probably sense how tense I am over this entire situation.

"We're almost ready for the performance on Monday. We've made a lot of adjustments on the music today but we should have our bearings by the time we get on stage."

Mrs. Maxwell made a noncommittal noise before taking a bite of her chicken.

"That is very good news, Honey. We can't wait to see what you're going to be doing." Mr. Maxwell took over the conversation, realizing that his wife was being evasive.

"Oh, are you going to be there?" Max asked.

A smile formed on my lips at the excitement on Max's face. She even dropped her cutlery while waiting for her parents to answer.

"Of course we will. The school called us about it last week. All the parents are invited and apparently the entire school will be gathering for the event. It is a really big deal."

Mrs. Maxwell merely nodded at her husband's words, keeping her glare in place.

"Oh... well, that kind of killed the excitement." Max muttered, ducking her head.

"Why? Are you afraid of messing up?" Eddie commented lightly, laughter in his eyes.

"Shut up."

Max shoved Eddie with her shoulder and kept chewing on her salad with grave eyes.

The girl was about ready to start hyperventilating, even though the trauma is still days away.

"Jewel, will you please pass me the gravy?" Gavin asked after a moment of silence.

Nodding mutely, I reached out to take the gravy a few inches from me and passed it on to Gavin.

"What is on your arm?"

My entire body ran cold at the menacing words that left Mrs. Maxwell's lips. I quickly shoved my arm under the table and looked up to see Mr. Maxwell, Max and Eddie staring at me in shock.

Mrs. Maxwell looked positively terrifying as her accusing gaze rested on my hand that was still on the table. Her eyes were narrowed and her lips thinned out even more than I'm used to it being.

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