Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"So, you're not dead then?"

After more than a year of not seeing him or talking to him and that is what he had to say?

If I was not so tiered of all the thinking and walking, I would have probably had a sarcastic answer to give the guy. Unfortunately, I just was not up for this confrontation, every bone in my body agreed.

"I need to go."

I started turning away from him when his hand closed over my bicep. Just his touch made me sick to my stomach but I tried not to show it. Instead, I pulled my arm from his grip and quickly put some space between us. My eyes were narrowed on him in disgust.

"I just wanted to have a little talk, Gem." He grinned at me when I flinched.

Why did I ever think his nickname for me was sweet?

"Tough luck then, because I don't want to talk to you, or look at you and much less breath anywhere near you." I snarled and tried passing him again.

It was useless, because where ever I tried to turn to; he stepped in my way with a smirk on his face.

"For someone who is supposed to be dead, you sure suck at stepping through people."

I didn't find his quip amusing in the least.

"For someone who is supposed to be in a jail cell, you look remarkably free." I retorted.

Stopping in my attempts of escape, I finally gave up and just sent him a glare.

"Fine, you have my attention. What is it that you need to discuss?"

He grinned and stepped closer to me, forcing me to take a step back so I could have a semblance of personal space. If there was one person I wanted a country to separate from me, it was this guy.

"I was just wondering if the rumours are true about you crashing your car intentionally. I mean, if you didn't want the baby, why didn't you just get an abortion?"

My entire body started to shake with the tension of keeping myself from retaliating with my fist. My hands were clenched and my eyes were practically tinged red with rage. Angry tears threatened to be released from my eyes but I held back as much as I could.

Is it even possible to hold so much anger towards someone?

"You bastard..." I managed to hiss out, trying my best to restrain myself.

"At least I didn't kill a baby."

I threw my fist at him and was furious when his hand gripped my arm. I tried punching him with my other hand but he easily caught hold of that one too.

With one firm pull from his arms, I was almost standing against him. His smirk filled with such victory that I could not stop myself from spitting in his face.

His smirk fell away and rage took over. His grip on my arms tightened to the point that I could not stop myself from crying out in pain. When he realized this, he chuckled darkly and tightened his hold even more, making me squirm and fight against showing how much it hurt.

"Oh, that's right. You were severely injured in the accident, weren't you?"

It sickened me to realize that he had the upper hand in this situation.

"You shouldn't have made me out to be the evil one, Gem. I was a very understanding boyfriend and I was very patient as well. Do you have any idea how hard it was to pretend that I actually loved you?" Brad hissed and let go of my one arm.

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