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The Avengers took Loki, Jane, and Darcy back to the SHIELD hellicarrier, and then Tony went and got another friend of Thor’s, Erik Selvig.  “I guess SHIELD really misses me,” Selvig said as he walked onto the bridge where everyone was.  He saw Darcy and Jane and smiled.  Thor greeted him and shook his hand.  Selvig glanced around and saw the other Avengers, but that was when he saw a teenager hovering in the air, meditating. 

“Loki,” Clint said, touching his arm.  The boy opened his eyes and turned around.  Selvig gasped when he heard Loki’s name, but his eyes got even wider when he saw the boy before him.  Loki floated to the ground and smiled slightly at Erik.

“Welcome back,” he said, waving his hand a little.  Erik’s reaction to Loki was actually a little worse than Jane’s.  He started charging at him, but Natasha put her foot out and tripped him up.  He hit the ground and she put him in a choke hold so he could calm down.

“Leave him alone!” Jane shouted as she ran for Natasha, but Thor wrapped his arms around her and stopped her.  Darcy just watched, her eyes like saucers.  Loki stumbled backwards into Bruce, and the scientist put him behind him and Clint.

“Everyone calm down,” Coulson said, with a stern tone of voice.

“What is he doing here?!” Selvig asked as best he could with Natasha’s arm cutting off his air.

“Let him up Widow,” Thor said as he let go of Jane.  Natasha relinquished her grip and walked away, dusting herself off.  Jane helped Erik to his feet and they both gave Loki a dirty look.  The boy lowered his eyes and studied his black boots. 

I said that they would hate you!  They will always hate you!  No matter how hard you try, they will only see the evil you’ve done, Ikol told him.

“And who do I have to thank for that?” Loki whispered, but Bruce and Clint gave him a look.  He smiled, determined to keep Ikol a secret from them.  Selvig turned back to Thor, waiting for an answer to his question.  Thor indicated they should sit down because the tale was long.  Everyone did, but Steve and Bruce flanked Loki, and kept him far away from Jane and Erik.  Darcy hardly listened to Thor.  She was too busy staring at the source of all her hard work the last couple of years.  Loki noticed her intense stare and he nodded his head in her direction.  Darcy just took her glasses out, put them on, and studied him some more. 

“And we found him in Frankfurt.  He had been attacked by this Dokkalfar as well.  In fact, he was the one who warned us that you were probably in danger,” Thor told Jane.  Foster glanced in Loki’s direction, but he quickly looked away.  That was when Ikol piped up.

You think she’ll thank you?  She won’t.  Jane Foster hates you.  Erik Selvig hates you, and if the rest of the world knew you were here, they would hate you, Ikol whispered in Loki’s ear.  Loki wanted to respond, but the last thing he needed was to get more attention than he already had.  You honestly believe that not talking is going to save you?  I’ll just keep yapping until you acknowledge me.  Dark heart!  Hell fury!  Ikol began to say random things, his voice filling Loki’s head.  Loki could hardly hear anybody else with Ikol blathering.  Yadda yadda yadda!  Loser!  Castoff!  Worthless!  Pathetic!  Feelings will get you killed! Ikol continued.  Loki ran his fingers through his hair and his feet began to tap on the floor.  The people nearest him heard it and they looked at him.  They noticed his skin seemed paler than usual, and sweat was starting to accumulate on his forehead.  Loki’s green eyes darted about anxiously, hoping to make a smooth exit as Ikol was starting to fray his nerves.  Death!  You decimated New York!  Murderer!  You murdered your own mother with your words!  Killer!  Murderer!  Finally, Loki could take it no more.

“You’re the killer!  You murdered those people in New York!  You killed Mother!  I hate you!” Loki shouted, jumping to his feet, startling the table.  Thor and the Avengers stared at him with wide eyes.  Tears began to slide down Loki’s face as he backed away.  The whole bridge was looking at him, expecting him to go insane.  “I’m sorry!  I’m so sorry!” Loki said as he ran out of the room.

“Loki!  Come back!” Thor called as he and the Avengers took off after him.

“There’s something wrong with that boy,” Erik said.  Fury glanced at him with a raised eyebrow before looking at Coulson and Hill.  He signaled with his head that they were to join their friends.  They nodded and chased Loki as well.

Loki curled up in the high metal beams of the detention room.  He was staring down at a glass, cylinder room.  His memories came back and he saw himself taunting Fury.  “A warm light for all mankind to share?  And then to be reminded what real power is,” he heard himself say.  Loki angrily brushed his tears away and held his head.  The door to the room opened and Loki gripped the bar, as Tony walked in.

“Yo kid!  Come on out!  Please?” Tony asked.  That was when he felt the vibration and heard breathing.  He glanced up and saw Loki sitting on the support beams.  “Come down from there Loki.  We just want to know what’s going on,” Tony said.  Loki sighed and teleported down.  Tony then spoke into his comm, “Covered the detention room, he’s not here.  Keep looking.”  Loki nodded, silently thanking him for that, and then Tony muted his end.  They sat down, their legs dangling over the edge, their arms resting on the railings.  Tony looked at Loki, waiting for him to begin.  Loki finally sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“You’re probably wondering why I shouted like that,” Loki said and Tony shrugged.

“We’re all wondering.  It’s like you were talking to yourself,” Tony told him.  Loki looked at his hands and how his slender fingers were playing the piano on the railing.  He felt something touch his shoulder and he saw that Tony had bumped him with his forehead.  Loki snickered a little and then became silent.

“In a way, I was talking to myself,” Loki finally said.  Tony’s eyebrow went up, and Loki knew that he was confused.  “When I defeated Amora, and took her powers, I unlocked an area of my brain that had been sealed off.  That part allows me to talk to people who are no longer with us,” Loki explained.  Tony’s eyebrow still went up and Loki chuckled a little.

“So, you’re angry at somebody from the past?” Tony asked.  Loki nodded and shuddered.  Tony put an arm around him and patted his shoulder.  He was surprised how good he was at this touchy feely stuff.

“I am constantly arguing with my past self,” Loki finally said.  This made Tony separate from him and his mouth fell open.

“Come again?” he asked.

“I fight with my past, adult self.  He was the person I was yelling at.  I call him, Ikol.”

The Avengers: Finding Young LokiWhere stories live. Discover now