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When I was younger I pictured meeting my mate as this wonderful experience. I was going to fall head over heels for the man of my dreams.

Boy was I fucking wrong.

As daughter of the Alpha I expected to have the boys knocking at my door looking to impress my family. At first I didn't and then I did, but none of them were worth my attention because none of them were the one. Within the blink of an eye, I turned eighteen. Then I turned nineteen, and, as of recently, I turned twenty.

It's been two years and not a single scent of my mate. I sat back and I watched as all my friends slowly but surely got to meet their mates. They got to live that happy little life of theirs.

Sadly that's how I ended up being what my brother refers to as a bitter bitch.

My older brother is in his goddess given place as Alpha, but my parents find my love life to be of greater interest.

'Why don't we try to see if he's at the SilverRain Pack? Why don't you join your brother at the next meeting?'

It's always something with them. They poke and the prod and eventually I snap. It's not going to be any different, but this time they've taken annoying to a whole new level. They've got me sitting in my brother's truck as he drives from our territory to Alpha Reece's Pack on the boarder of Montana and Canada right off of Glacier.

"So if you find him," Trevor trails off as he keeps his eyes on the road in front of us.

"Funny you say." I turn my body towards him as I decide it's worth engaging in this topic of conversation. "If I find him I'm gonna slap him and ask him why in goddess name he hasn't come looking for me." I say as I feel a emptiness in my chest at the thought. "Then I'm going to go live happily ever after." I scoff and he finally turns to face me only to roll this eyes and place his hand on the headrest of my seat.

"Jenny Bean you do realize if you meet him you're gonna have to live with him." He looks nervous as he goes onto remind me about my duties as possible new mate.

"I'm twenty, not fourteen."

"And? You're still my baby sister and I wanna prepare you," he explains. "I got Kelly back at home and I know how things go when you get your mate. I'm trying to warn you about what mom and dad won't tell you."

If my brother is about to give me a sex talk I'm gonna have to do a swift tuck and roll out of this Jeep.

"Trev, buddy, I know about the birds and the bees and I know how these things go. I did have friends before I went awol."

"I'm talking about having an Alpha as a mate. That's not the same as your girly friends having some normal wolf as a mate."

The infamous alphas are protective speech. I get the gist, but I couldn't care less. I'm not gonna go submissive and I don't expect to turn into one either.

"I know how I am with Kelly and I also know how much of a mistake I made when I first met her. I was a nightmare and I almost lost her because of it."

"What do you mean?"

Kelly was the most innocent little thing anyone had ever seen and she still is. She walks into rooms as if she's floating on air and has the voice of an angel.

To make a long story short, she's nothing like me.

I've had a mouth on me since I could talk. Kelly, though? She's built to be a Luna. Poised and professional with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

When Trevor met her he was eighteen and just got the position of Alpha. He looked like he'd been hit by Cupid's arrow the day he came across her. I was a dumb naive twelve year old at the time and I didn't know everything that was going on, but I would've known if he was being a monster.

"I marked her against her will. She could've died because of it."

But I guess not everything is how it seems.

"I thought that because I was an alpha that I could just force her into being compliant. She loved me back, but she didn't want to be marked yet. She got angry at me and stormed out of the house. I searched for a while and then she showed up hours later and acted like nothing happened," he mumbles. "I got pissed and I snapped right then and there. She almost died because her wolf wasn't ready and neither was she."

Trevor Winston Harris is the last person I would ever accuse of doing such a thing. This is the same guy who cried at the age of fifteen when his girlfriend dumped him.

"I fucked up and I'm not about to have your ass die because of some stupid horny Alpha who can't control himself cause, newsflash, most of them can't." He finishes his thought before retracting his hand from my seat and placing it back on the steering wheel.

"I won't let anyone take advantage of me. You don't have to worry about that." I assure him and he nods. "Not to mention whatever Alpha is my mate will be dead before he has a chance to apologize for his actions. I rather have him dead and suffer the pain of a bond breaking than have an abusive mate."

"I don't suggest that, but I also don't disagree. I'm surprised Kelly didn't reject me after that night."

"Now look at you guys." I tease. "You're a happy family."

"You're lucky you're my sister. I wouldn't put up with anyone else's sarcasm and arrogance."

"Some would call it my best quality."

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