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"Baby you gotta wake up. Jen, I let you sleep this long, but you gotta wake up."

I've never felt the pressure I felt this morning when Bash woke me up. It was like a weight was crushing down on my chest and I couldn't move my body.

"I just wanna sleep. Everything hurts." I complain as I finally open my eyes to meet his. "It really hurts." I add in a whisper once I feel the pain in full force.

"What hurts?" He asks softly as his hand grips onto my waist and rubs gently over my bare skin. "Your neck?" He teases before leaving a kiss on my collar bone.

"Bash it's every muscle in my body. They all hurt."

"You're not joking are you?" His sits up and his face tells me everything.

That I shouldn't be in pain.

"Can you try and sit up?" He asks while placing both hands on my waist. He keeps trying to ease this process of sitting me up but it's pure pain. "Do you feel pressure on your chest?" He asks and I immediately know why he's worried.

"Yes." I whisper before keeping my gaze focused on my lap. "I want my brother. I want Trevor."

"You have nothing to worry about I'm just asking so I can help you." He tries to calm me but I'm terrified and all I want is my brother. I want the one person who has always comforted me.

"I'm gonna lose her aren't I? I've already lost her haven't I? This is because you marked me and I don't have a wolf. My body cant handle it."

"Jenifer you're ranting and I didn't even say anything." He shouts in order to keep me from rambling on. "I asked you so that I could determine if you're just having after effects from the heat, or if you're having a reaction to the mark. Please do not stress yourself out." His voice raises slightly and I can tell that he's stressed out and trying to keep calm for me.

"I'm sorry." I bow my head down again and he lets out a sigh.

"You don't need to apologize Jen. I'm worried because of your brothers pack and I don't want you to be in pain." His hands grab onto my cheeks and he lifts my face up so that I'm looking him in the eyes. "I love you okay. I want to make sure you're fine."

"But why are you so stressed about it?"

"Because I shouldn't have marked you last night."

"I wanted to be marked. I wanted to be yours."

"And I love that you're mine but I should've made sure everything way okay first." He leaves kisses on my jaw and I let out a small laugh. "And I love your mark."

"You're just happy I didn't mark you back." I roll my eyes and he pulls back before tilting his neck so that it's open to me.

"Do it."

"What?!" I exclaim before shoving him slightly.

"You do realize what that does right? I can't do that." I look at him like he's the stupidest person ever and he laughs.

"I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I know what it does and I'm fine with that."

"You're thinking like a twelve year old who found out he could shift. You know that if I mark you it solidifies to everyone that you have a Luna. A Luna that you didn't introduce to your pack!" I argue back and he continues to smile. "What is so funny?"

"That you're worried about what my pack thinks of you. They know that I've met my mate and that they'll have a Luna shortly. I don't mind wearing your mark."

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