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"Can someone shut him up and get him out of the room?" I point to Logan as he paces the delivery room.

"I can't give birth with his dumbass standing here pacing. Not when I've been in labor for six hours." I shout and Sebastian laughs.

"As for you, mister, when she's here and in this world we're gonna have some words about this process." I stop him from laughing any further and that's when the most angelic person arrives.

"Oh thank god you're here. I couldn't take being with them any longer." I pull Ashley into a hug and she looks around at everyone currently in the room.

"First of all where is the female presence in here? We've got the twins and dumbass Garrett."

"Tell me about it. Either way I'm gonna need the biggest favor ever." I squeeze her hand and she nods. "Great you're gonna be the godmother."

"Wait really?" She asks in a small voice and I nod. "Why me? I don't even have a mate." She looks over to Sebastian who is smiling back at her. He always has a look of pride on his face when he sees his sisters.

"Because you're my best friend here. Because you're family. Because I never had a sister but I consider you to be my sister. And I trust that you'd do the right thing for my child if anything ever happened." I feel tears come to my eyes and she steps back while trying to stop herself from also crying.

"Holy shit. I didn't expect this. I shouldn't have worn makeup."

"Is this when we tell one of these dumbasses that their godfather?" Bash asks and all three of the guys look up.

"I'll take the burden off you Garrett, don't worry, it's not you." I cut off Bash and I can't tell if he's offended or relived.

"And I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Congrats Logan." Hudson smiles and I shake my head.

"No, Logan and I already had a talk about this. You're gonna be her godfather Hudson." I explain and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Shit why me?" He asks while looking as if he's also about to cry. "I mean honestly why me? It should be Logan. He's so much closer to you."

"Hudson you're really quiet but you have a lot of wisdom. I don't think I would've gotten through the past month without you assuring me I'd be a good mom. I also don't think you give yourself enough credit for how amazing you are of a person."

"Also I told Logan he'd get dibs on the next baby." I tease which makes everyone laugh.

"Along with that I figured we'd throw the names out there because Mr Tough guy still thinks my daughter is going to be a son."

"Even after Lacey said it's a girl?" Ashely laughs and I nod. If his little sister, who is a Sybil, says it a girl, it's a girl.

"Well our son will be named Austin Eli Reece.

"Thats funny because our daughter will be called Reagan Rose Reece."

"Her name sounds way cooler sorry Bash." Ashley jokes and I nod in agreement.

"Imagine if you just pushed out twins right now." Garrett jokes and all of us look super nervous at that comment.

"I'd push you in front of a bus before I had twins."

"Never say never." The doctor comes back in and I laugh. "But from the scans there is only one baby in there." She takes a seat next to me as I feel another wave of contracts come over me.

"There decently far apart if I'm being honest."

"That's funny because I think you're gonna push any minute now."

"In that case I'm gonna need everyone, except Sebastian, to get out of this room."

"We don't even get a godparent viewing. Shame." Ashley teases as she pulls the boys out with her.

"I love you more than anything." She calls right as the door shuts.

"Hey don't look so nervous baby. It's gonna be fine and we're gonna have a beautiful baby boy."

"I can't wait to push just to prove that it's a girl." I grit out as my contractions feel stronger.

"Also fuck that hurts." I shout as I squeeze his hand tighter.

How do people do this multiple times.

I guess they do it for the feeling after the baby is delivered and you're holding your baby in your arms. Maybe it's the happy tears and the emotions that you can't help but have spill over. Maybe it's the look on your partners face when they realize they're also now a parent.

I think that's how people do this, because the moment the pack doctor handed me my baby girl I couldn't help but feel like nothing else mattered.

"You weren't lying when you said you knew it was a girl." Sebastian whispers as wraps his arm around me and looks down at our child.

"Not in over six hundred years has there been a girl born first to an alpha. The last girl to be born to an alpha was the first female alpha and she ran the first ever wolf council."

"I told you so." I whisper while trying not to laugh. "I told you I was having a baby girl."

"Reagan Rose Reece." He smiles and I shake my head.

"We can't tell the council." I speak up and his face drains of color. "I don't want them knowing. They can't know."

"She's the future alpha of this pack." He stands up and walks out of the room before coming back in with Logan and Hudson.

"Why did you just drag us in here? I'm very happy to be an uncle but why is this so urgent?" Logan asks and shake my head.

"It's a girl." I admit and he walks closer to me.

"The council." He looks over at Sebastian and Hudson walks closer as well.

"We need to keep her on the low. The council is going to try and get more involved in our lives if they hear about this." 

"Bash I'm not letting them touch my baby." I hold her closer to me and Logan looks down at her before walking back towards the door.

I can tell he's freaking out.

"Don't tell me what I think you're about to tell me." I feel a pain in my chest as I worry that something is going to happen to her.

"I cannot let them take her and try and control this pack how they want. This is my child and this is our pack. They don't get to storm in here and take my baby."

"It's going to be okay. I promise." Sebastian tries to keep me calm but I start to feel my heart rate speeding up. "Nothing will happen to her. If anything we just raise her in private and keep it a secret." He adds and I nod.

"Every alpha child gets made known to the public. They'll assume she's a boy unless they get told otherwise." Hudson speaks up and I know what has to be done.

"She cant have a feminine name like Reagan. They'll be able to tell right away." I explain and he agrees. "Milo Avery Reece." I offer up. "I wanted to name her Milo after Trevor's middle name, but I thought it was too much." I explain my reasoning and Sebastian thinks about it silently before looking at all of us.

"Milo, is gonna cause quite some trouble for mommy and daddy." He laughs. "I think its perfect."

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