Chapter Eight

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"Gwyneth, may I have a moment?" Marcus called out, approaching the run down house on foot. Gwyneth wiped her forehead from where she was tending her roses and straightened. She gave a mental curse at the dirt that covered her then shrugged. He wanted pretty then he should have given her forewarning.

Marcus stopped dead at the sight of her tending roses. A sharp pang went through his heart at the memory of another woman doing the same thing. Down to the annoyed look in her green eyes from being interrupted. He shook his head when Gwyneth said his name and he realized that he had just been standing there.

"I'm sorry for interrupting." he said gruffly. Her gaze softened at the pain in his. That was a look that didn't belong on his face, she thought.

"Don't worry about it. I needed a break anyway. What do you need?"

Marcus shoved the painful memory back and focused. "I was going to see if you would like to go to the High Court today. There are circumstances you should hear about and enemies that would come for you up here."

Her green eyes glittered fiercely. "Let them try." she said with a smile. Marcus smiled.

"I have already promised your niece that I would see you safe, so I can't do that."

"You promised?" she questioned then sighed at his nod. She glanced back at her rose bushes. Marcus couldn't resist the urge and used his magic to have them grow and bloom. She gasped and went over to them, hand petting over a vibrant bloom. The bittersweet pain in his heart grew. Jewels made her smile, but growing roses had her giddy with delight.

"I'll ensure they are cared for while you are away." Marcus offered. "Meanwhile, we have a rose garden that I'd like for you to see."

She looked up, curiosity lighting her eyes.

"I thought faery mounds were underground." she said. He smiled a bit painfully.

"A former queen was fond of roses as well. We have will o wisps that provide the light they require." And they still maintained it to honor her. He held out his hand. "I can show you."

Wondering at the darkness in his gaze, she took his hand.

"I would love to walk those gardens with you." she said with a smile, the resolve to chase the pain from his eyes solidifying in her mind.


Lethe woke alone. He scanned the room and didn't see her. Muttering a curse about losing track of time, he stood. Dressed then went to the High Mound to see about her aunt. Approaching the main hall, he was surprised to see his friend laughing delightedly at something the voluptuous woman at his side was saying.

He strode forward. "Could I have a moment of your time, my king?" he asked shortly. His friend smiled, but put up a hand.

"In a minute. I thought you would like to meet the aunt of your witch. Protecting her is going to be a pleasure and will make courting her much simpler."

Lethe relaxed a bit. He'd thought his friend had become distracted. His eyes went to Gwyneth. Apparently, she had captivated him. With eyes like that it was no wonder. They were almost identical to his former queen's. Lethe wondered whether his friend realized that yet.

"You must be Lethe. I've heard plenty about you from Marcus but little from my niece." she held out her hand and made direct eye contact. Again, very much like his former queen. His friend had a type. "Why is that?"

"Because I asked her not to. I have a reputation to uphold and at the time, I'd hoped to keep our association secret. As Marcus may have explained, I have enemies that I had hoped to spare her from."

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