RED [Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)]

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Pairing: Grell x William

Rating: PG

Summary: William finds a sobbing Grell on the roof of Reaper headquarters and admits his love to Grell.


William's POV:

I walked out onto the roof of Reaper Headquarters. I had originally been looking for Reaper Sutcliff, but after a while, I gave up and came out here for some peace. That's when I heard the crying.

I walked across the roof, trying to get a better look at the figure seated on its edge. The first thing I saw of him was his long red hair, which seemed to glow softly in the moonlight.

Grell? What's he doing out here? And is he the one crying? It's actually possible for him to be something other than a bundle of energy? Maybe it's not actually him...

"Reaper Sutcliff?" I called hesitantly.

"Y-yes?" the readhead answered, voice shaking.

"Are you crying?"

"N-no, I'm j-just sweating through my eyes."

"That's some loud sweating," I commented. His only response was more crying. I'd never seen Grell like this before. I had no idea what to do. I finally decided on sitting next to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He just shook his head in response.

"You can tell me," I said softly.

"It d-doesn't matter," he said, waving me away. This is just heartbreaking to watch. I hate to see him this upset. I wish I could help him.

"It does matter." I made my voice as gentle as possible. He really does bring out the soft side in me.

"You know," he said after a long beat of crying, "I know I come on a bit too strong to you... and... and I just... I'm not trying to. Honestly. All I want really is for you to love me. I... You were the first person I ever fell in love with, Will. All I wanted was... You know what, it doesn't matter, does it? I can't take back any of the things I've done in the past. I can't create a better future. The only reason I try so hard is because..."

"Because why?" I asked softly. Grell was shaking from the force of his tears.

"Because you're the only thing that makes me happy!" he yelled. "I-I don't... I can't express myself the right way. I can't find some beautiful way to tell you how much you mean to me. But you make me happy like nothing else ever could! When the world feels like it's falling down around me, all I have to do is think of you. Just thinking of your name makes me feel so much better. Don't you get it?

"All I want is to be happy. But the only thing that makes me happy anymore is you and I... I just... You push me away. And I understand why. I am nothing compared to the kind of man -- or woman, or whatever you want -- that you could be with. You deserve someone amazing. And I hope you get that someone.

"I hope you get someone who can see the way your eyes sparkle when you've done well, the way your whole face lights up when you smile, the way you're always there when someone needs you. I hope they can see all the beauty. I hope that someone can see the softer side of you, the side most of us only barely get a glimpse of when your guard is down.

"I hope you find someone who will hold your heart in both hands, someone who will treasure every second with you at least half as much as I do. I hope you find someone who will be gentle, and patient, and intelligent, and everything you want. I know it's not me, and there comes a time when you just have to give up and accept things like that. It's time for me to give up. But what I want for you the most... is that you find someone who says 'I love you' as often as possible and makes you feel like you're on top of the world, because that's how you make me feel... just by existing."

I couldn't listen to this any longer. It broke my heart, listening to him go on like this. He simply didn't seem to understand that I loved him. I grabbed his arm, swiftly turning him towards me. I pressed my lips to his like I'd always imagined myself doing. After a few seconds, I pulled back, holding him in a death grip.

"Now you listen to me, Sutcliff," I said. "I love you. I am in love with you. I know I should have said something sooner, but I was just too afraid. I can't express myself at all, Grell. The last time I did that, he broke my heart. I didn't want to fall in love again because of that, so I tried to ignore it--"

"You think I'd break your heart?" Grell interrupted softly. "Will, I love you. Maybe I have a really dumb way of showing it, but I do. I would never hurt you."

"I was never willing to take a chance before, but... I can't let you walk away now. I don't want you to walk away. Please stay with me."

"You don't have to ask me twice," Grell said with a smile. He kissed me gently. "I love you, William T Spears."

"I love you, too, Grell Sutcliff."

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