Little Wonders [Free!]

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Pairing:  RinHaru
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Rin and Haruka find themselves separated from the others on a trip to a deserted island.
Notes:  I actually got the idea for this from the scene in Free! Iwatobi Swim Club  where the group ended up spending the night on a deserted island and from the song "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas (which I would recommend listening to before reading this).


Haruka's POV:

I was with Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, and Rin when it happened.  We were just walking along the shoreline of the island, watching the waves roll across the sand.  I decided to go for a swim.  The others joined me and we had fun for a little while.  Then, the sky grew cloudy and dark and the waves began to churn.  In no time, a violent storm had begun.

I tried to get to shore with the others, but I had swum too far out.  Torrents of rain churned the water around me, pulling me out farther.  I went under a couple of times and then, everything went black.


I wake up on the shore of a different island.  The rain has stopped and the sky is clear and filled with stars.  You can't see them like this in the city, I think.  I look around and see someone getting up a few feet away.  So, I'm not the only one that got washed away after all...

I walk over to see who it is.  He turns at the sound of my footsteps.  I am frozen in my tracks.  He seems to glow in the light of the moon and stars.  Rin.

"Haru?  What are you doing here?"

"I could say the same for you," I say after taking a moment to collect mh thoughts.  '"I got washed up by the storm."

"Same.  I don't see any way we'll make it back there tonight."  He points to the island we left from, miles in the distance.

"I suppose we should just look around for somewhere to stay, then.  Just for tonight."

We roam the island in silence as we look for a place to stay.  At some point, the rain starts up again, but it is a blind rain and no clouds cover the stars.


The stars seem to surround us.  The sky is clear and the water reflects the beautiful night everywhere.  It is as if even the walls of the cliffs behind us vanish and are replaced by stars.  It feels as if the universe surrounds us, envelops us, encases us, keeping us away from everything -- everyone -- else.  I look around me in absolute wonder.

"Take a picture; it'll last longer," Rin snaps, though his words lack conviction.

"A picture wouldn't do this any justice," I reply softly.  But I'm not talking about the water for once.  It's him; it's the way he looks right now: the awe and wonder in his eyes and the way the moonlight seems to make him glow.

"Hm, it is kind of beautiful."

"I wasn't talking about the water," I murmur.


"Look at you with the stars in your eyes and the galaxies in your mind.  It's beautiful.  You look like a Greek sculpture: all angles perfect and all features soft and gentle, like light is radiating out of you and going into you and simply as if the light is what makes you up."

The way he looks at me now is beautiful as well.  He is speechless.  He looks at me with wide eyes and lips slightly parted, all of his features glowing in the starlight.  I look at him and I have the strongest urge to kiss him.

I want to kiss him.  No, I need to kiss him.  Now.  I need to kiss him and hold him in my arms.  I take a step forward at the same time he does.  We are now inches apart.  He still looks at me with that wide-eyed innocence that reminds me of a time when he didn't hide behind an impenetrable wall of coldness.

I take his hands in mine and squeeze them gently.  I lean in and close the distance between us.  He tenses up, then relaxes and kisses me back.

Rin's lips are soft against mine.  His kiss is surprisingly gentle and slow.  This is what I've always wanted.  This is what I've been waiting for since we were kids.  I realise this as I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer to me.  He loops his arms around my neck, also trying to get as close as possible.

I don't think I've ever felt anything so right before.  Kissing Rin feels like everything is finally falling into place.  Kissing him feels like never having to worry about anything again.  KIssing him feels like being free.

"Rin," I begin softly as I pull away, "I love you."

"I love you, too," he replies, pulling me in for another kiss.

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