Demonic Affections [Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)]

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Pairing: Sebastian x Ciel

Rating: PG

Summary: Ciel has finally decided to tell Sebastian he's in love with him, but he's having a little trouble saying it.

Notes: Based on an RP I did with my friend, Fray, who is a grand Sebastian!


Ciel's POV:

"Sebastian," I called. I had something big to tell him. Now, let's just hope I can actually say it...

"You called, Young Master?" Sebastian asked as he walked into my study.

"N-Never mind," I said. Damn, I thought. My confidence left as soon as he entered. Sebastian bowed and left.

"W-Wait!" I called after him. I can't let him get away this easily! Sebastian turned around.

"Yes?" I get up and hug him. It's all I have the confidence to do right now.

"Young Master, is everything all right?" he asked, his words tinted slightly with concern.

"Y-Yes. Everything's fine," I said. I just needed to touch you... Sebastian smirked at me.

"Young Master, are you showing weakness?"

"N-No!" I stammered, releasing him. "Where ever would you get that absurd notion?!"

"Well," he began, "you never hug me, so I suppose that means you're getting a soft heart with me."

"I-I just... wanted a hug, that's all..."

"That's fine," Sebastian said, walking out the door.

"Awh, no hugs for me, then," I mumbled. Sebastian smiled and came back to hug me. I hugged him back and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Sebastian." Your hugs feel amazing!

"You're welcome, Young Master."

"Sebastian, I--" I stopped myself. I can't just say something like this. At least, I can't say it like that.

"What is it, Young Master?"

"Never mind," I said dejectedly. "You wouldn't care anyway..."

"What is it? You know you can tell me."

"Well, Sebastian, I..." I can't say this to him. What am I expecting? He won't love me back.

"Yes?" he asked with an amused expression. I took a deep breath.

"Can demons fall in love?" I asked. Please say yes. Please, please, please!

"It is possible," he said after a few moments of consideration. "Why do you ask?"

"N-No reason in particular!" I replied quickly.

"Well, yes, it is possible."

"Oh, good," I replied with a small, relieved smile.

"I," Sebastian began absentmindedly, "am a demon, and I have fallen in love with someone."

"Would you mind telling who?" I asked, trying to mask my excitement.

"I'm sorry, Young Master, but I'm afraid I cannot do that."

"W-Why not?" What if it's me? What if it isn't?

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