Chaotic Good [Death Note]

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Pairing: Mello x Near

Rating: PG

Summary: Mello is going to leave Wammy's house and Near will do anything to make him stay.

Notes: Requested by my friend Grace. ^_^


Near's POV:

I run out into the snow after Mello. How could he just be leaving like that? He can't leave! What the hell does he think he's doing?!

"Mello!" I call after him for what feels like the millionth time. "Mello!"

I run faster. The snow is getting heavier, making it hard to see. I speed up until I'm within grabbing range of him. I was barefoot, and the snow felt like it was burning my feet. My bare feet slipped on the wet snow, causing me to slam into Mello, sending us both crashing into the snow.

"What the hell?!" Mello questions furiously as he turns beneath me to face me.

"I should be asking the same thing!" I yell back. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm leaving! Didn't you get that, Mr Smarter-Than-Everyone-Else?" I chose to ignore the lame attempt at name-calling.

"Well then, why are you leaving?"

"Because If I stay, I'm Number Two anyway," he said, looking away.

"You're not Number Two, you're--"

"Yes I am! You're better than me at everything! You're obviously gonna be L's successor. There's no reason for me to be here anymore. No one here needs me. I'm not the smart one. I'm not the strong one. I'm just the emotional mess that can't solve anything without a gun. What's the point of me staying at Wammy's?"

"Just come back inside and I'll give you a million reasons! You'll get pneumonia if you stay out here any longer! Please."

"Fine. But if you don't give me a good reason to stay, I'm gonna leave. And once I'm gone, I'm never coming back."

I get off of Mello and grab his wrist, dragging him back to Wammy's. Once inside, I take him to my room and get him some chocolate. I always keep chocolate there to give him when he gets worked up. It calms him. He smiles when he sees the chocolate bars and takes them, sitting on my bed. He's so beautiful when he smiles, I think to myself.

"So," he begins around a mouthful of chocolate, "give me one good reason to stay here."


"Don't have one, do you? Didn't think so."

"You didn't give me a chance to finish!"

"Doesn't matter," he says, getting up. "You wouldn't have had anything good anyway."

As he starts towards the door, I can't help but feel despair crashing down on me. I can't let him get away from me. I can't... can't... I just can't at all without him!

"You complete me," I say, throwing my arms around him. "I can't live without you. I've fallen in love with you and I can't let you leave me. Please! Please don't leave me!"

I can't stop crying now. The tears stream down my face like rivers of pain and sadness. All I want is for him to wrap me up in his arms and tell me that he'll never leave me. I want him to always be here. Please, Mello, I think. Please.

"Near," Mello says, lifting my chin to look at him. The look in his eyes is full of so much love and affection; it makes me feel like I might just have a chance. "Near, everything will be all right. Please don't cry. You should have just told me and I never would have even considered leaving. I love you, too, Near. More than you will ever be able to understand."

I smile like I never have before. Mello picks me up and sits me on my bed, kneeling down to eye-level. He leans in and presses his lips softly to mine, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back gently.

This is pure heaven, I think. He tastes like mint and chocolate, and his lips are so soft! This is absolutely amazing! I get lost in the feeling of kissing him, of holding him close. I lose myself as I fall into the abandon of the only everything that matters to me: my Mello. And through all this heaven on Earth, one coherent thought is formed: This is exactly where I'm meant to be.

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