All That We Have Lost [Attack on Titan]

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Pairing: Eren x Levi

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Love and loss. That's all you get.


"Levi!" Eren screams as the Titan picks him up. I rush towards them.

"Eren! Change into your Titan form!"

"I can't!" Eren's hands are bloody from where he's bitten them so many times, trying to change form. He screams again, and I can't help but get more worried. I rush forward as fast as I can, swinging through the air and the trees with my 3D Manoeuvering gear.

"Levi!" He's screaming for me again. He's screaming, and the sound breaks my heart. I shoot forward, kneeling on the Titan's hand.

"I'm gonna get you out of here," I tell him desperately, tears flowing down my cheeks like thin rivers. He shakes his head at me. I don't understand.

"Come here," he says. I move closer. He leans in and presses his lips to mine.

"I'm not getting out of this one alive. I already know that. But, darling, can you promise me something?"

"O-Of course. What is it?" I ask, tears choking off my voice.

"Don't blame yourself. You can't get me out of this one. All I'm asking is one last kiss, one last moment... something to remember me by..."

I kiss him then. I kiss him like the first time. I kiss him and it feels like the warm breeze blowing through the trees that night, like the warmth of holding him and him holding me, like all the nights spent cuddling in bed. I kiss him and it tastes like wine and summer and fall colours. I kiss him and it plays back memories: the first date, the first kiss, the sex, the Eren-will-you-marry-me. I kiss him and I hear his excitement at planning the wedding, his voice when he says he loves me, his laughter. I kiss him and I never want to stop, but finally, I have to.

"I love you," I tell him, meaning it more than I ever have before.

"I love you, too," he responds, and I know it is time to go.

The moment I let go, I regret it. I jump up and land in a tree next to the Titan. It immediately lifts Eren. It's as if that thing was waiting for us before killing him, I think as I watch it. I spring off the tree, immediately trying to slice through its arm. It crystallises its arm and my sword breaks. I never thought I'd have to watch as a Titan killed my fiancé. I am frozen as the Titan twists Eren's head right off, and drops his body to the ground. A piercing scream works its way through my body and into the silence around me.


Levi woke up screaming. These nightmares had been plaguing him since Eren's death. He wanted to remember Eren, not the way Eren died. But somehow, the memories would get confused. He'd be thinking of Eren's kisses and hugs and his smile and then BAM. It would hit him like a rock, Eren's death and how he can't help but blame himself, even though Eren said not to.

He looked at the time on the grandfather clock in the corner of his room. Three AM. He looked to his calendar for the date. 10 July. The day he was supposed to marry Eren.

Levi got up and got ready. It may be early, but he didn't care. Once ready, he left his house and walked to the water. Eren would have loved it here, Levi thought. He sat at the water's edge and looked to the stars. There was one in particular that always seemed to shine brighter than the others, as if it was determined to outshine them all. Levi had decided that that star was Eren, always watching over him.

"You would love it here," Levi began, talking to Eren's star. "It's beautiful. This is the outside world, and you only saw it once. I wish you could see it without Titans. I wish you could live here with me. You loved the beach when you first saw it. You loved it so much, but you started crying. Remember that? I asked why and you said it was because you knew you'd never see it again."

Levi took a deep breath and continued, trying to force back his sobs. "I watched your tears fall as you stood in the ocean water that day. And I've come back here every year, on the day we were meant to marry, after you were gone. I sat in the water and counted your tears as they clung to the rocks where the water could not reach and the wind and sun could not tear them away. I lost everything when I lost you, everything but memory. You're the most beautiful memory I have, Eren, and I will never lose that. I love you, Eren. I love you infinitely."

With that, Levi finally got up and left. He would be back next year, but he could not come any other time. It was time to go back and face the only reality he knew: life without Eren.

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