Love is Deaf

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Five past twelve and Nori still has to close the shop, even though it has been closed for more than four hours. Since her father fell ill she has taken it on herself to run the shop and still take care of both of them. Since she could remember it has just been her dad and her, she doesn't remember her mom and never really asked about her. She walked up to the apartment above the shop and just fell into bed, before her eyes closed she saw it was twelve thirty. Great, just great she though, have to get up at five, it will be another long day.

The one good thing in her life right now is the man she loves, well she hopes that he loves her too, otherwise this will just be a one-sided love. Well let me say this, this person is Tim Pearson, her fiancé. She was very sceptic at first because she thought he only liked her because she didn't ask him for a lot of things, you see he is a musician. So, when he first stepped into the shop one day to buy his mom flowers she saw him and thought he is hot, but she didn't know who he is, she only turned around and went back to her work. He wanted to ask her something but when he turned towards her he saw that she wasn't looking in his direction. So, when he walked closer to her and asked her again still she didn't look at him. So, he tapped her on her shoulder and that is when she turned around. She looked up into his eyes to see the most vivid green she has ever saw. But she masked his face and tried to keep a distance, but he walked closer to her again and that is when he saw the bracelet on her wrist to let other people know something is wrong. So, he stepped back and asked her for help, he wanted to buy flowers for his mother since she is visiting from England. At first, she didn't understand what he said, but when she tapped her throat and ears, shook her head, he immediately understood that she can't hear or talk. He talked slower hoping that she could lip read and lucky for him, she did. After that initial meeting he has come to the shop time and time again. Then after one year that they met, he asked her to go on a date with him, at first, she refused, not knowing how to tell him. Her father heard what was going on and signed to her that she should go. She answered back to him how can they communicate if he can't sign. He surprised her by showing her that he knows the basic words, he has been studying, she was just scared.

After that they got closer and they went steady for a while, but Tim wanted to bind her to him forever. She never checked her phone that evening and when she was back in the shop with her father she looked for some reason. She sees that he would be there in less than ten minutes, she was scared because she really didn't know why he would be here so early when he should be practicing for his concert that he would have back home. At nine on the dot, he walked into the shop and stopped right in front of her. 'Good morning my love.' 'Morning, can I ask why you would be here?' 'Slow down, I can't understand when you sign so quick.' 'Sorry, I asked, what are you doing here?' "Tim, you would have to excuse her, she didn't get much sleep last night. You two can go up stairs to the apartment, I will handle things here for the day." "You sure?" "Yes, I will close down the shop soon anyway, so go on." So, with that Nori and Tim walked up the stairs to the apartment.

They were so into the training that neither of them noticed Nori's dad looking at them and then left them. Throughout the day that he was practicing with her, her thoughts were all over the place: He would leave me now that he knows how to talk, did he just use me to learn so that he can talk to someone else? I know for a fact that he would break the engagement once he is done with me. Tim saw that she was not concentrating on teaching him anymore, so he tapped her hand and asked her. 'What's wrong love?' 'Huh, oh nothing, just my thoughts are a bit everywhere.' 'I noticed that, what has you so preoccupied?' 'The wedding, my father that is still ill and the shop. I know that I don't need to worry but still, it is the small things that has me like this.' 'You know, that once after the wedding you don't have to worry about it, I will have someone who would be able to help your dad here at the shop, so that is one thing you really don't have to think about. I will also have a nurse here with him, so again relax about that.' He pulled her to him and he started to kiss her, slow at first and then it got heavier. In the end they were making out on the couch, not that her dad was worried about it, because he knows that Tim will always take care of his daughter.

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