Chapter Three

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Sitting in the little clearing where no StarClan cat wanted to go, Hawkfrost congratulated himself on his victory. He knew that they were watching them, for Tigerstar's sake. He could see their shadows and their eyes as they moved, and he could hear them when they thought they were being quiet. He wasn't stuck here, but there was no point of really going anywhere, since he hadn't been able to get to the Dark Forest. Sure, it had been done before, but Hawkfrost wasn't exactly an expert on the various StarClan cat powers at his disposal.

"Hawkfrost." Bluestar mewed as she pushed through leaves. "We're willing to give you your second chance-"


"But you have to be our spy for us in the Dark Forest."

Hawkfrost looked at her skeptically. "Is this just a plan to get me back there? Because I know that there's no cat left alive in that forest, so-"

"Wrong. Mapleshade survived, and even as we speak, she is trying to bring Tigerstar and Brokenstar back to life. So, all we ask is that you go there and prove your loyalty by returning Spottedleaf."

With a jolt, Hawkfrost said, "But Tigerstar and Spottedleaf are long gone! I can't prove my loyalty if that's my task!"

"Exactly. We don't want you here. If you choose the path of evil, you stay on the path of evil." Bluestar growled out. She raised a paw, and Hawkfrost felt himself being dragged across the grass towards the Dark Forest. When he reached the border, it easily let him through, and then sealed.

"Was that all a trick?" He demanded, bristling with fury. Bluestar only gave him a condescending look before she turned around and padded off into StarClan's hunting grounds.

Dejected, Hawkfrost turned and padded away, tail drooping. He bared his teeth. Stupid StarClan cats. His paws set themselves stiffly again and again until he found himself in what he identified as the area where he had once trained young cats. Right now, he wanted to do it again, just to watch Bluestar burn.

He shook his head. The battle had broken something inside of him, and yet he still wanted to return. Bluestar had technically made the right choice, he supposed. What was he supposed to do, though, when she gave him a stupid task that would never be accomplished?

There was a rustle in the bushes, and a flash of brown fur. Hawkfrost raised his head and stared straight into the eyes of his father.

So it was possible. How had they done it? Hawkfrost found himself wondering whether Bluestar had been acting. However, his father's rumbling voice reminded him that he had worse things to worry about.

"Hawkfrost." Tigerstar mewed, staring him down. "Mapleshade saw you in StarClan, looking at Ivystar as if she were the best thing that ever happened to you."

Hawkfrost flinched, terrified of what was going to happen next.

"So, you traitor, will you help us? Or will we have to kill you- and Ivystar?"

As BRokenstar and Mapleshade emerged from the trees, Hawkfrost actually considered it. He couldn't really care about himself at this point, because he didn't deserve a thing. But Ivystar... He dipped his head, letting the killer glint in his eye return. It wasn't hard when he had spent the whole of his time in StarClan bottling it up. His father gave his approval in a long breath of air. "Good, then. Now... we must discuss what our plan will be this time."

Brokenstar sat up tall. "Our first mistake was trusting so many of the cats in the Clans that betrayed us. This time, we will be smarter. Redwillow, Snowtuft, Thistleclaw and Silverhawk lurk somewhere in these trees, and we will find them. Not to mention... two new, dangerous cats grow closer to the Clans. When the time is right, they will join us, and we will have more to attack the Clans with."

Mapleshade grumbled, "Ten cats will not destroy the Clans!"

"Yes," mewed Hawkfrost, trying to hide his doubt. "We tried to destroy the Clans last time. Look how well that turned out."

Tigerstar turned his fiery amber gaze on him, and Hawkfrost met it coldly. "Then what do you suggest we do?"

"Their leaders, their kits, their deputies and their medicine cats. Sow distrust in the Clans first, and then take their most precious members of the Clans away from them. Kill the right cats. Use tactics from all four Clans. There's stories of small patrols that have made themselves seem much bigger by doing the right things."

Mapleshade nodded her approval. "You aren't wrong. But we still need more cats."

"Breezepelt," offered Brokenstar. "And those ThunderClan cats- the ones whose names reflect ours. We're not blind- we can take them over if we wish."

"Any others?" Tigerstar asked, looking at the cats before him. They began to offer names up randomly.

"Frostfire. Ambitious and corruptible."

"Snowpelt. Way too attached to Frostfire."

"Vinestar. Powerful and bloodthirsty."

Tigerstar paused. "Am I to believe that one of the Clan leaders themselves is going to suddenly betray their Clan?"

"Perhaps not," Mapleshade admitted. "That's all I have. We'll have to scout the Clans for some time."

"Is it night in the Clans?"

Hawkfrost thought about his father's question. "No, they all just woke up."

"Then we find Thistleclaw and the others."

The four of them split into two groups- Brokenstar and Mapleshade headed off in one direction through the forest. Tigerstar sneered at his son, watching him pad hesitantly forward. Hawkfrost's nose twitched, and he opened his mouth to taste the air. Was that Snowtuft's scent he smelled? He hadn't really bothered to remember.

They set off into the Dark Forest to find the rest of their members.

Update: I got my first OC from someone (already, yay) so they will be in.... well, if you've read the original, you'll know what will eventually happen (although this is more about the Dark Forest battle stuff now but whatever) and... well, they're a ShadowClan cat and that's all I'll say. Please note that if you don't specify, your OC could end up...

- with kits

- evil

- brutally murdered

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