Chapter Seven

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"Are you ready for this, Alyssa?" Molly asked looking in the mirror.

Today was the day. Alyssa took a deep breath. "I guess. I kinda have no choice. We have already made it this far. I can't back out now."

Molly placed an arm around Alyssa's shoulder. "You'll be okay, honey. It will all be okay."

Alyssa checked herself in the mirror one last time. She turned to see her dad standing behind her. "Are you ready to give me away daddy?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's not too late." He warned.

"Daddy, I have to. I am doing this because of Matthew. Now, come on. My new future is waiting."

He grabbed his daughter's arm and began the walk down the stairs. Alyssa let out a breath.


The music changed.

Spencer gulped when he realized what it meant. Alyssa was about to walk towards him. His future was heading his way.

He watched as Alyssa walked out with her father. He had to force himself to breathe because the sight of her was breathtaking. He always thought she was beautiful.

They stopped in front of him, and her hand was placed in his.

"Who gives this woman?" The priest asked.

"Her mother and I do," her father said. He went and sat by his wife.

"If there are no objections to why these two should not be wed, I will now continue with the ceremony." Nobody objected, so the ceremony began.

"Ladies and gentleman we are gathered here today to......" The priest went on. Spencer barely listened. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Alyssa. She was stunning.

"Spencer, do you take Alyssa to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold in sickness and health. Until death do you part."

Spencer stared at Alyssa. "I do"

"Do you, Alyssa take Spencer to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold in sickness and health. Until death do you part."

Alyssa stared back at him. He thought she was going to back out, but she smiled, "I do."

Matthew stepped forward with the rings. "Spencer take this ring and place it on Alyssa's finger. Say, with this ring, I thee wed."

Spencer held Alyssa's hand and smiled. He placed the ring on her finger and said, "with this ring, I thee wed."

"Now, Alyssa. Take this ring and place it on Spencer's finger. Repeat, with this ring, I thee wed."

Alyssa held his hand. She placed the ring on his finger and said, "with this ring, I thee wed."

They were both breathing extra hard. He could tell by the rise and fall of her chest.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. Spencer, you may kiss your bride."

They stared at each other. Alyssa smiled at him. He leaned in and lifted her veil. When he leaned in to kiss her, he smiled too.

Their lips fit perfectly together. It was meant to be.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Matthew Walker."

He held her hand and smiled. They began the walk down the aisle. The walk that would begin their new life.

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