Chapter Twenty

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Alyssa stared at the test that she dropped in the sink. She broke down in tears. "What have I done, Molly? I let our relationship go to far without telling him. Now, I have to risk losing myself and my baby. I can't do this to Spencer. He doesn't need any of this. I have to leave, Molly. I can't hurt Spencer."

"No, Alyssa. You are not going anywhere. You need to stay here with your family. They are going to need you."

"But, Molly. My doctor told me it would be risky for me to be pregnant. A baby would be hazardous to me. They told me my body would never be strong enough. The bone cancer took away that strength."

"Doctors are wrong to, Alyssa. You never know what will happen." She pointed to the test in the sink. "Those are not always accurate. We need to get you to a doctor. We will know for sure then."

Alyssa nodded. "Okay. Right. Doctor. Can you come with me?"

"Of course. I promised Spencer that I wasn't leaving you. You are stuck with me."

Alyssa pulled her into a hug. "Thanks for being here for me. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Now, let's get to the doctor."


The nurse turned to Alyssa. "Well, Mrs. Walker, you are pregnant. That was no false positive there."

"How far along am I? Can you tell?" Alyssa was nervous. She wanted to know that the baby was okay.

The nurse smiled. "You are six weeks today. Your estimated due date is December 8. Let's do an ultrasound. Is that okay? We want to check the baby's size."

Alyssa nodded. "Sure. Can my friend come in with us? My husband is at work, so she stepped in."

"Sure. Let her in. I'll get everything set up."

Alyssa walked out and got Molly. "I'm six weeks. She said you can come in for the ultrasound. They want to check on the baby."

Molly jumped out of her chair and followed her into the room.

The nurse had the bed set up. "Alright, Alyssa. Hop up here again, please?"

Alyssa got on the bed, and the nurse added the jelly to her stomach. Alyssa watched the screen. She almost cried when she saw her tiny baby on the screen.

"My baby. Is everything okay?"

"The baby looks fine. With your medical history, I know this can be dangerous. I'm going to get your doctor."

"Molly? What if she was lying? What if something is wrong? I can't do this. Why did you make me come here?"

Molly didn't get to answer. Doctor Ross walked in. "Morning, Alyssa. What a surprise to see you here."

"Hey doctor Ross. Is everything okay?"

He looked at her. "With the baby, yes. With you, maybe not."

"What do you mean? Is my cancer back?" Alyssa was crying. It couldn't come back. Not now.

"Alyssa. It's okay. The cancer is not back. Your body is too weak. It will be hard for you to carry this baby."

"No!" Alyssa screamed. "Don't say it. Don't say abortion. I am not aborting my baby. I want him. The baby is healthy. That's all I care about. I can't kill my child."

Doctor Ross hung his head. "Alyssa. It could be dangerous."

"I'll take care of myself. I promise. I don't work anymore, so my body won't be stressed. I sit at home. I'll have someone over to make sure I don't do too much. Just, don't make me abort my baby."

"Okay, Alyssa. You win. You can keep this baby. Just, take care of yourself."

"Yes, sir. I promise. Thank you."

"I'll keep in contact with you for appointments."

"Thank you, doctor." Alyssa left the doctor's office.

Now, she had to face Spencer. What was going to happen now?

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